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lean_problem_sheets / 2021.sets.sheet5

Sets in Lean, sheet 5 : subset (), union () and intersection () #

In this sheet we learn how to manipulate , and in Lean.

Here are some mathematical facts:

AB is equivalent to ∀ x, x ∈ A → x ∈ B; x ∈ AB is equivalent to x ∈ A ∨ x ∈ B; x ∈ AB is equivalent to x ∈ A ∧ x ∈ B.

All of these things are true by definition in Lean, which means that you can switch from one to the other with change, or you can just treat something on the left hand side as if it said what it said on the right hand side.

For example if your goal is ⊢ x ∈ AB then you could write change x ∈ A ∧ x ∈ B, to change the goal to ⊢ x ∈ A ∧ x ∈ B, but you can also use the split, tactic directly, and this will immediately turn the goal into two goals ⊢ x ∈ A and ⊢ x ∈ B.

New tactics you will need #

You don't need to know any new tactics to solve this sheet. I've mentioned the change tactic. You don't have to use it, and if you use it your proofs will get longer. So in return I'll tell you about two other tactics, rcases and rintro, which you don't have to use either but if you use them they'll make your proofs shorter.

The rcases tactic #

rcases is a souped-up version of cases. It has slightly different syntax. If you have a hypothesis h : P ∧ Q then cases h with hP hQ, and rcases h with ⟨hP, hQ⟩, do the same thing. However, if you have a hypothesis h : P ∧ Q ∧ R then Lean interprets it as P ∧ (Q ∧ R) so if you want to destruct it with cases you have to do

cases h with hP hQR,
cases hQR with hQ hR

You can do this all in one go with rcases h with ⟨hP, hQ, hR⟩,. The name rcases stands for "recursive cases".

rcases can also be used for or hypotheses too; here the syntax is that if we have

h : P  Q

then rcases h with (hP | hQ), will turn our goal into two goals, one with hP : P and the other with hQ : Q.

Even better, rcases works on h : false. Here there are no cases at all! So rcases h with ⟨⟩, solves the goal.

The rintro tactic #

It's quite common to find yourself doing intro then cases or, more generally, intro then rcases. The rintro tactic does these both at once! So for example if your goal is

 (P  Q)  R

then rintro ⟨hP, hQ⟩, leaves you at

hP : P
hQ : Q

i.e. the same as intro h, cases h with hP hQ,

You can introduce more than one hypothesis at once -- rintro generalises intros as well. For example if your goal is

 P  Q  R  S

then rintro hP ⟨hQ, hR⟩, turns it into

hP : P
hQ : Q
hR : R