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lean_problem_sheets / 2021.logic.sheet1

Logic in Lean, example sheet 1 : "implies" () #

We learn about propositions, and implications P → Q between them. You can get this arrow by typing \to or \r. Mathematicians usually write the implication arrow as P ⇒ Q but Lean prefers a single arrow.

The absolute basics #

P : Prop means that P is a true-false statement. h : P means that h is a proof that P is true, or you can regard h as an assumption that P is true; logically these are the same. Stuff above the symbol is your assumptions. The statement to the right of it is the goal. Your job is to prove the goal from the assumptions.

Tactics you will need #

To solve the levels on this sheet you will need to know how to use the following tactics:

The intro tactic #

Mathematical background: intro h, says "To prove P → Q, you can assume that P is true (call this assumption h) and then it suffices to prove Q."

Lean: If your goal is ⊢ P → Q then intro h, will introduce a hypothesis h : P (i.e. a hypothesis that P is true) and change the goal to ⊢ Q.

The exact tactic #

Mathematics: If you have an assumption h that P is true, and your goal is to prove that P is true, then exact h, will solve this goal.

Lean: If your goal is ⊢ P and you have a hypothesis h : P then exact h, will solve it.

The apply tactic #

Mathematics: apply is arguing backwards. It is like "it suffices to...". If you're trying to prove Q, and you know h : P → Q is true, then it suffices to prove P. So apply h, changes the goal from Q to P. The key point to remember is that apply h will only work when h is an implication, and it will only work when the conclusion of h matches the goal.

Lean: If your goal is ⊢ Q and you have h : P → Q then apply h, will change the goal to ⊢ P.