mathlib documentation

lean_problem_sheets / 2019.questions.sheet1

theorem question_one (P Q : Prop) :

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.

theorem question_2a_true (P Q : Prop) :
(P → Q)Q → P

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.

theorem question_2a_false  :
¬∀ (P Q : Prop), (P → Q)Q → P

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.

theorem question_2b_true (P Q : Prop) :
(P Q)(Q P)

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.

theorem question_2b_false  :
¬∀ (P Q : Prop), (P Q)(Q P)

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.

theorem question_3_true (P Q R : Prop) (h1 : Q → P) (h2 : ¬Q → ¬R) :
R → P

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.

theorem question_3_false  :
¬∀ (P Q R : Prop), (Q → P)(¬Q → ¬R)R → P

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.

theorem question_4 (P Q R : Prop) (h1 : P → Q R) (h2 : Q → R ¬P) (h3 : R → P ¬Q) :

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.

theorem question_5 (P : → Prop) (h8 : ∀ (n : ), P nP (n + 8)) (h3 : ∀ (n : ), P nP (n - 3)) :
(∀ (n : ), P n) ∀ (n : ), ¬P n

Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry.