Structures and Classes

Eric Wieser

slides: 2023-09-05

Defining structures

A structure is a bundle of things

              structure Card where
                suit : Fin 4
                value : Fin 13 

              structure Point where
                x : ℝ
                y : ℝ
                z : ℝ

                structure DirectedLineSegment where
                  src : Point
                  dst : Point

Constructing terms

                def myPoint : Point where
                  x := 2
                  y := -1
                  z := 4

                def myPoint'' : Point :=
                  { x := 2, y := -1, z := 4 }

                def myPoint''' : Point :=
                  ⟨2, -1, 4⟩

Anonymous constructor

                def myPoint'''' :=
         2 (-1) 4

No magic notation

A trick: write def myPoint : Point := _ and click the 💡

Defining structures

A structure is a bundle of things

              structure Card where
                suit : Fin 4
                value : Fin 13 

              structure Point where
                x : ℝ
                y : ℝ
                z : ℝ

                structure DirectedLineSegment where
                  src : Point
                  dst : Point

Constructing terms

                def mySegment : DirectedLineSegment where
                  src := {  -- `where` syntax doesn't work here
                    x := 0
                    y := 1
                    z := 2
                  dst := ⟨3, 4, 5⟩

                  def mySegment' : DirectedLineSegment :=
                    ⟨⟨0, 1, 2⟩, ⟨3, 4, 5⟩⟩

Defining structures

Structures can contain any type, including functions

              structure RealSeq where
                term : ℕ → ℝ

              structure BundledTuple where
                n : ℕ
                term : Fin n → ℝ

              structure NatRel where
                rel : ℕ → ℕ → Prop

Constructing terms

                def squares : RealSeq where
                  term := fun n => n^2

                def adjacentRel : NatRel where
                  rel := fun m n => m = n + 1 ∨ m + 1 = n

Or with n before the :=

                  def squares' : RealSequence where
                    term n := n^2

                  def adjacentRel' : NatRel where
                    rel m n := m = n + 1 ∨ m + 1 = n

Can even do pattern matching

                  def SumIsTwo : NatRel where
                    | 0, 2 | 1, 1 | 2, 0 => True
                    | _, _ => False

Fin n → _ has special syntax

                    def myTuple : BundledTuple where
                      n := 3
                      term := ![1, 2, 3]

Defining structuresFunctions and operations

              def add (a b : Point) : Point where
                x := Point.x a + Point.x b
                y := a.y + b.y
                z := a.z + b.z

p.y is dot notation

It's the same as Point.y p.

              def add (a b : Point) : Point :=
                ⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩
Or with anonymous constructors

              def add'' : Point → Point → Point
              | ⟨x₁, y₁, z₁⟩, ⟨x₂, y₂, z₂⟩ =>
                  ⟨x₁ + x₂, y₁ + y₂, z₁ + z₂⟩

              def add''' (a b : Point) : Point :=
              match a, b with
              | ⟨x₁, y₁, z₁⟩, ⟨x₂, y₂, z₂⟩ =>
                  ⟨x₁ + x₂, y₁ + y₂, z₁ + z₂⟩

Can use pattern matching instead, short for match.

Defining structuresDot notation

If we have p : Point, then p.func means Point.func p

We should put the add function we just defined in the Point namespace

                namespace Point

                def add (a b : Point) : Point :=
                  ⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩

                end Point

With the namespace command

                def Point.add (a b : Point) : Point :=
                  ⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩

By writing the namespace in the name

Now we can write p1.add p2 instead of add p1 p2

Good style: definitions and theorems about Point
go in that namespace.

Defining structuresParameterized structures

Just like functions, structures can take parameters

            structure Point' (R : Type) where
              x : R
              y : R
              z : R

We can define points with different coefficient types:

              def myRealPoint : Point' ℝ where
                x := 2
                y := -1
                z := 4

                def myIntPoint : Point' ℤ :=
                  Point'.mk 2 (-1) 4

Defining structuresOperator notation

p1.add p2 is ok, but what about p1 + p2?

          instance : Add Point where
            add a b :=
              { x := a.x + b.x
                y := a.y + b.y
                z := a.z + b.z }

          example : Point := ⟨1, 0, 0⟩ + ⟨0, 1, 0⟩

Also of interest for Point:

Zero Point (0 : Point)
SMul ℝ Point (5 • ⟨1, 0, 0⟩ : Point)
Neg Point (-x : Point)
Sub Point (x - y : Point)

Defining structuresClasses and instances

            instance : Add Point where
              add a b :=
                { x := a.x + b.x
                  y := a.y + b.y
                  z := a.z + b.z }

What's instance?

Defining structuresClasses and instances

                instance : Add Point where
                  add a b :=
                    { x := a.x + b.x
                      y := a.y + b.y
                      z := a.z + b.z }

What's instance?

                def instAddPoint : Add Point where
                  add a b :=
                  { x := a.x + b.x
                    y := a.y + b.y
                    z := a.z + b.z }

What's Add? A (parameterized) class

                class Add (α : Type) where
                  add : α → α → α

                structure Add' (α : Type) where
                  add : α → α → α

How do class and structure differ?

                  #checkAdd.add {α : Type}
                    [self : Add α] (x y : α) : α

                  #checkAdd'.add {α : Type}
                    (self : Add α) (x y : α) : α

Square brackets are autofilled with instances

Defining structuresClasses and instances

Square brackets are autofilled with instances

How exactly does this work for x y : Point?

  1. x + y is notation for Add.add x y (ok, strictly it means HAdd.hAdd x y…)
  2. Add.add x y elaborates to @Add.add Point _ x y
  3. Lean needs _ : Add Point; it looks for instances that match this type
  4. #synth Add Point demonstrates this:
                  [Meta.synthInstance] ✅ Add Point ▼
                    [] new goal Add Point ▼
                      [instances] #[@AddZeroClass.toAdd, @AddSemigroup.toAdd, @Distrib.toAdd, instAddPoint] 
                    [] ✅ apply instAddPoint to Add Point ▼
                      [tryResolve] ✅ Add Point ≟ Add Point 
                    [] result instAddPoint 

Defining structuresclass or structure

Is there a canonical value for your definition?

Yes: class

  • Add α: for any α, there is agreement on what + means
  • Fintype α: for any α, there is at most one universal finite set

No: structure

  • Point' R: There is no canonical point with coefficients in R.
Coming up in the next lecture…
  • Monoid M: for any M, there is agreement on a canonical monoid structure
  • Submonoid M: There is no canonical submonoid of a monoid M.
  • MonoidHom M N: There is no canonical morphism between monoids M and N.

Proofs with structures

Proofs with structurestrivial lemmas

Make sure to teach the simplifier the
trivial lemmas about your operation

            @[simp] theorem add_x (a b : Point) : (a + b).x = a.x + b.x :=
            @[simp] theorem add_y (a b : Point) : (a + b).y = a.y + b.y :=
            @[simp] theorem add_z (a b : Point) : (a + b).z = a.z + b.z :=

Where possible, prove them with rfl;
this allows the dsimp tactic to use them!

              example : ((⟨1, 2, 3⟩ : Point) + (⟨10, 20, 30⟩ : Point)).x = 11 := by
                dsimp -- goal is now `1 + 10 = 11`

Proofs with structuresExtensionality

How do we prove two points are equal?

@[ext] theorem Point.ext {a b : Point} (hx : a.x = b.x) (hy : a.y = b.y) (hz : a.z = b.z) : a = b := by
cases a cases b
dsimp only at * /-
hx : x✝¹ = x✝ hy : y✝¹ = y✝ hz : z✝¹ = z✝ ⊢ { x := x✝¹, y := y✝¹, z := z✝¹ } = { x := x✝, y := y✝, z := z✝ }
-/ rw [hx, hy, hz]

The cases tactic takes a structure apart into pieces.

Proofs with structuresExtensionality

How do we prove two points are equal?

@[ext] theorem Point.ext {a b : Point} (hx : a.x = b.x) (hy : a.y = b.y) (hz : a.z = b.z) : a = b := by
obtain ⟨a_x, a_y, a_z⟩ := a obtain ⟨a_b, b_y, b_z⟩ := b
dsimp only at * /-
hx : a_x = a_b hy : a_y = b_y hz : a_z = b_z ⊢ { x := a_x, y := a_y, z := a_z } = { x := a_b, y := b_y, z := b_z }
-/ rw [hx, hy, hz]

The cases tactic takes a structure apart into pieces.

Another spelling is obtain, which allows naming the pieces.

The dsimp only tactic cleans up some noise.

Proofs with structuresExtensionality

How do we prove two points are equal?

              structure Point where
                x : ℝ
                y : ℝ
                z : ℝ

The @[ext] attribute on a structure generates Point.ext.

              example {a b : Point}
                  (hx : a.x = b.x)
                  (hy : a.y = b.y)
                  (hz : a.z = b.z) : a = b := by
                repeat' assumption

The ext tactic finds and uses Point.ext.

                theorem add_comm (a b : Point) :
                    a + b = b + a := by
                  ext <;> dsimp <;> apply add_comm

ext and dsimp together make short work of commutativity.

Proofs with structuresProofs within structures

Structures can contain proof fields too:

              structure OpenDisc2D (r : ℝ) where
                x : ℝ
                y : ℝ
                mem_disc : x^2 + y^2 < r^2

Points in a disc of radius $r$

              def unitDiscZero : OpenDisc2D 1 where
                x := 0
                y := 0
                mem_disc := by
                  -- goal is 0 ^ 2 + 0 ^ 2 < 1 ^ 2

To fill the proof field, we enter tactic mode!

Proofs can be extracted with . notation just like data

              example (p : OpenDisc2D 1) : p.x ≠ 2 := by
                intro hx            -- hx : p.x = 2
                have := p.mem_disc  -- this : p.x ^ 2 + p.y ^ 2 < 1 ^ 2

Proofs with structuresProofs within structures

More examples

                structure EvenNat
                  n : ℕ
                  is_even : Even n

                structure PythagoreanTriple
                  a : ℕ
                  b : ℕ
                  c : ℕ
                  sq_add_sq : a^2 + b^2 = c^2

                structure RootOf (f : ℝ → ℝ)
                  x : ℝ
                  is_root : f x = 0

Structures can be propositions

              -- based on a silly software interview question
              structure IsFizzBuzz (n : ℕ) : Prop where
                three_dvd : 3 ∣ n
                five_dvd : 5 ∣ n

Built-in structures

          /-- `α × β` is notation for `Prod α β` -/
          structure Prod (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where
            fst : α
            snd : β

          /-- `{x : α // p x}` is notation for `Subtype p` -/
          structure Subtype {α : Sort u} (p : α → Prop) where
            val : α
            property : p val

Could have defined Point and OpenDisc2D as

            def Point' : Type := ℝ × ℝ × ℝ -- syntax for `Prod ℝ (Prod ℝ ℝ)`
            def OpenDisc2D' (r : ℝ) : Type := {x : ℝ × ℝ // x.1^2 + x.2^2 < r ^ 2}

but p.z is much nicer than p'.2.1!

Exercises: show these types are equivalent!

Algebraic structures

Don't want to repeat the same lemma for every type:

                example (a b : Point) :
                  a + b = b + a :=
                Point.add_comm a b

                example (a b : ) :
                  a + b = b + a :=
                rat.add_comm a b

                example (a b : ) :
                  a + b = b + a :=
                real.add_comm a b

We already saw typeclasses for notation;
what about typeclasses for proofs as well?

            example {A : Type*} [AddCommGroup A] (a b : A) :
              a + b = b + a :=
            AddCommGroup.add_comm a b

                instance :
                    AddCommGroup Point :=

                example (a b : Point) :
                  a + b = b + a :=
                AddCommGroup.add_comm a b

                instance :
                    AddCommGroup ℚ :=

                example (a b : ) :
                  a + b = b + a :=
                AddCommGroup.add_comm a b

                instance :
                    AddCommGroup ℝ :=

                example (a b : ) :
                  a + b = b + a :=
                AddCommGroup.add_comm a b

Algebraic structuresMathematical background

This isn't just a Lean trick; mathematical examples:

partially ordered set

a set $P$ and a binary relation $\le$ on $P$ that is transitive and antisymmetric.


a set $G$ with an associative binary operation, an identity element $1$, and a function $g \mapsto g^{-1}$ that returns an inverse for each $g$ in $G$. A group is abelian or commutative if the operation is commutative.


a partially ordered set with meets and joins.


an (additively written) abelian group $(R, +, 0, x \mapsto -x)$ together with an associative multiplication operation $\cdot$ and an identity $1$, such that multiplication distributes over addition. A ring is commutative if the multiplication is commutative.

ordered ring

a ring together with a partial order on its elements $(R, +, 0, -, \cdot, 1, \le)$, such that $a \le b$ implies $a + c \le b + c$ for every $a$, $b$, and $c$ in $R$, and $0 \le a$ and $0 \le b$ implies $0 \le a b$ for every $a$ and $b$ in $R$.

metric space

a set $X$ and a function $d : X \times X \to \mathbb{R}$ such that the following hold:

  • $d(x, y) \ge 0$ for every $x$ and $y$ in $X$.
  • $d(x, y) = 0$ if and only if $x = y$.
  • $d(x, y) = d(y, x)$ for every $x$ and $y$ in $X$.
  • $d(x, z) \le d(x, y) + d(y, z)$ for every $x$, $y$, and $z$ in $X$.

Algebraic structuresMathematical background

A fairly direct lean translation:

partially ordered set

              class PartialOrder (P : Type) :=  -- a set $P$ and
                le : P → P → Prop               -- a binary relation $\le$ on $P$
                le_trans : Transitive le        -- that is transitive
                le_antirefl : AntiSymmetric le  -- and antisymmetric

              class Group (G : Type) :=     -- a set $G$ with
                mul : G → G → G             -- an associative binary operation,
                mul_assoc : Associative mul
                one : G                     -- an identity element $1$, and
                one_mul : LeftIdentity mul one
                mul_one : RightIdentity mul one
                inv : G → G                 -- a function $g \mapsto g^{-1}$ that
                mul_right_inv :
                  RightInverse mul inv one  -- returns an inverse for each $g$ in $G$.

These are not quite the definitions in mathlib,
but they're close enough to not matter

Algebraic structuresA Group class

The group definition in mathlib avoids Associative
and instead writes things out directly:

          class Group (G : Type) where
            mul : G → G → G
            one : G
            inv : G → G
            mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : G, mul (mul x y) z = mul x (mul y z)
            mul_one : ∀ x : G, mul x one = x
            one_mul : ∀ x : G, mul one x = x
            mul_left_inv : ∀ x : G, mul (inv x) x = one

This doesn't give us *, 1, or ⁻¹ notation yet without:

            instance Group.toMul (G) [Group G] : Mul G where
              mul := Group.mul
            instance Group.toOne (G) [Group G] : One G where
              one :=
            instance Group.toInv (G) [Group G] : Inv G where
              inv := Group.inv

Algebraic structuresA more readable Group class

We can do a little better by directly putting these in Group; now we can use the notation in the definition!

          class Group (G : Type) where
            toMul : Mul G
            toOne : One G
            toInv : Inv G
mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : G, (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) mul_one : ∀ x : G, x * 1 = x one_mul : ∀ x : G, 1 * x = x mul_left_inv : ∀ x : G, x⁻¹ * x = 1
attribute [instance] Group.toMul Group.toOne Group.toInv

attribute [instance] makes these work:

            variables (G) [Group G]
            #synth Mul G  -- displays `Group.toMul`
            example : Mul G := inferInstance

Algebraic structuresAn even more readable Group class

This pattern is so common that Lean has
special notation for it, extends:

          class Group (G : Type) extends Mul G, One G, Inv G where    
mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : G, (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) mul_one : ∀ x : G, x * 1 = x one_mul : ∀ x : G, 1 * x = x mul_left_inv : ∀ x : G, x⁻¹ * x = 1

What if my operation is + not *?

mathlib uses Group for when the operation is spelt *,
and AddGroup for when it is spelt +.

This means we have to write everything twice!
(@[to_additive] makes that ok, but isn't part of this talk)

Exercise: write the AddGroup version

Algebraic structuresExample: the permutation group

            instance : One (Equiv.Perm α) where
              one := Equiv.refl _
            instance : Mul (Equiv.Perm α) where
              mul x y := x.trans y
            instance : Inv (Equiv.Perm α) where
              inv x := x.symm

            instance : Group (Equiv.perm α) where
              -- one, mul, and inv are filled automatically
              mul_assoc x y z := by
              mul_one x := by
              one_mul x := by
              mul_left_inv x := by

Algebraic structuresExample: product of groups

Classes can be chained transitively:

          instance [One α] [One β] : One (α × β) where
            one := (1, 1)
          instance [Mul α] [Mul β] : Mul (α × β) where
            mul x y := (x.1 * y.1, x.2 * x.2)
          instance [Inv α] [Inv β] : Inv (α × β) where
            inv x := (x.1⁻¹, x.2⁻¹)

          instance [Group α] [Group β]  : Group (α × β) where
            mul_assoc x y z := by
            mul_one x := by
            one_mul x := by
            mul_left_inv x := by

Exercise: do this for AddGroup Point

Algebraic structuresAdvanced: forgetful inheritance

Using 💡 on the real Group gives

Division, natural powers, and integer powers are obvious; why do we need to specify them?

Answer: silly technical reasons, see §7 of arXiv:2202.01629

You can just delete them, and Lean will auto-fill them in the obvious way!

              example {α : Type} :
                  Group (Equiv.Perm α) where
                mul := _
                mul_assoc := _
                one := _
                one_mul := _
                mul_one := _
                npow := _
                npow_zero := _
                npow_succ := _
                inv := _
                div := _
                div_eq_mul_inv := _
                zpow := _
                zpow_zero' := _
                zpow_succ' := _
                zpow_neg' := _
                mul_left_inv := _

Algebraic structuresAdvanced: type synonyms

What if our algebraic structure is non-canonical?

                structure MulOpposite (α : Type) where op ::
                  unop : α

                variable {α} [Mul α]
                instance : Mul (MulOpposite α) where
                  mul x y := op (unop y * unop x)
                @[simp] theorem op_mul (a b : α) :
                  op (a * b) = op b * op a := rfl
                @[simp] theorem unop_mul
                  (a b : MulOpposite α) :
                  unop (a * b) = unop b * unop a := rfl

Exercise: show this forms
the opposite group

Other examples

  • The diffferent norms on a vector space, WithLp p V
  • The opposite order, OrderDual α
  • Renaming + to *, Multiplicative A


This talk loosely followed §6 of MIL.

The slides can be found at

The exercises can be found in the C05_Structures_And_Classes folder

The MIL exercises are there too, but you'll need to open MIL for the instructions!