A structure is a bundle of things
structure Card where
suit : Fin 4
value : Fin 13
structure Point where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
structure DirectedLineSegment where
src : Point
dst : Point
def myPoint : Point where
x := 2
y := -1
z := 4
def myPoint'' : Point :=
{ x := 2, y := -1, z := 4 }
def myPoint''' : Point :=
⟨2, -1, 4⟩
Anonymous constructor
def myPoint'''' :=
Point.mk 2 (-1) 4
No magic notation
A trick: write def myPoint : Point := _
and click the 💡
A structure is a bundle of things
structure Card where
suit : Fin 4
value : Fin 13
structure Point where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
structure DirectedLineSegment where
src : Point
dst : Point
def mySegment : DirectedLineSegment where
src := { -- `where` syntax doesn't work here
x := 0
y := 1
z := 2
dst := ⟨3, 4, 5⟩
def mySegment' : DirectedLineSegment :=
⟨⟨0, 1, 2⟩, ⟨3, 4, 5⟩⟩
Structures can contain any type, including functions
structure RealSeq where
term : ℕ → ℝ
structure BundledTuple where
n : ℕ
term : Fin n → ℝ
structure NatRel where
rel : ℕ → ℕ → Prop
def squares : RealSeq where
term := fun n => n^2
def adjacentRel : NatRel where
rel := fun m n => m = n + 1 ∨ m + 1 = n
Or with n
before the :=
def squares' : RealSequence where
term n := n^2
def adjacentRel' : NatRel where
rel m n := m = n + 1 ∨ m + 1 = n
Can even do pattern matching
def SumIsTwo : NatRel where
| 0, 2 | 1, 1 | 2, 0 => True
| _, _ => False
Fin n → _
has special syntax
def myTuple : BundledTuple where
n := 3
term := ![1, 2, 3]
def add (a b : Point) : Point where
x := Point.x a + Point.x b
y := a.y + b.y
z := a.z + b.z
is dot notation
It's the same as Point.y p
def add (a b : Point) : Point :=
⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩
def add'' : Point → Point → Point
| ⟨x₁, y₁, z₁⟩, ⟨x₂, y₂, z₂⟩ =>
⟨x₁ + x₂, y₁ + y₂, z₁ + z₂⟩
def add''' (a b : Point) : Point :=
match a, b with
| ⟨x₁, y₁, z₁⟩, ⟨x₂, y₂, z₂⟩ =>
⟨x₁ + x₂, y₁ + y₂, z₁ + z₂⟩
Can use pattern matching instead, short for match
If we have p : Point
, then p.func
means Point.func p
We should put the add
function we just defined in the Point
namespace Point
def add (a b : Point) : Point :=
⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩
end Point
With the namespace
def Point.add (a b : Point) : Point :=
⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩
By writing the namespace in the name
Now we can write p1.add p2
instead of add p1 p2
Good style: definitions and theorems about Point
go in that namespace.
Just like functions, structures can take parameters
structure Point' (R : Type) where
x : R
y : R
z : R
We can define points with different coefficient types:
def myRealPoint : Point' ℝ where
x := 2
y := -1
z := 4
def myIntPoint : Point' ℤ :=
Point'.mk 2 (-1) 4
p1.add p2
is ok, but what about p1 + p2
instance : Add Point where
add a b :=
{ x := a.x + b.x
y := a.y + b.y
z := a.z + b.z }
example : Point := ⟨1, 0, 0⟩ + ⟨0, 1, 0⟩
Also of interest for Point
Zero Point |
(0 : Point) |
SMul ℝ Point |
(5 • ⟨1, 0, 0⟩ : Point) |
Neg Point |
(-x : Point) |
Sub Point |
(x - y : Point) |
instance : Add Point where
add a b :=
{ x := a.x + b.x
y := a.y + b.y
z := a.z + b.z }
What's instance
instance : Add Point where
add a b :=
{ x := a.x + b.x
y := a.y + b.y
z := a.z + b.z }
What's instance
def instAddPoint : Add Point where
add a b :=
{ x := a.x + b.x
y := a.y + b.y
z := a.z + b.z }
What's Add
? A (parameterized) class
class Add (α : Type) where
add : α → α → α
structure Add' (α : Type) where
add : α → α → α
How do class
and structure
#checkAdd.add {α : Type}
[self : Add α] (x y : α) : α
#checkAdd'.add {α : Type}
(self : Add α) (x y : α) : α
Square brackets are autofilled with instance
Square brackets are autofilled with instance
How exactly does this work for x y : Point
x + y
is notation for Add.add x y
(ok, strictly it means HAdd.hAdd x y
…)Add.add x y
elaborates to @Add.add Point _ x y
_ : Add Point
; it looks for instance
s that match this type#synth Add Point
demonstrates this:
[Meta.synthInstance] ✅ Add Point ▼
[] new goal Add Point ▼
[instances] #[@AddZeroClass.toAdd, @AddSemigroup.toAdd, @Distrib.toAdd, instAddPoint]
[] ✅ apply instAddPoint to Add Point ▼
[tryResolve] ✅ Add Point ≟ Add Point
[] result instAddPoint
or structure
Is there a canonical
value for your definition?
Add α
: for any α
, there is agreement on what +
meansFintype α
: for any α
, there is at most one universal finite setstructure
Point' R
: There is no canonical point with coefficients in R
.Monoid M
: for any M
, there is agreement on a canonical monoid structureSubmonoid M
: There is no canonical submonoid of a monoid M
.MonoidHom M N
: There is no canonical morphism between monoids M
and N
.Make sure to teach the simplifier the
trivial lemmas about your operation
@[simp] theorem add_x (a b : Point) : (a + b).x = a.x + b.x :=
@[simp] theorem add_y (a b : Point) : (a + b).y = a.y + b.y :=
@[simp] theorem add_z (a b : Point) : (a + b).z = a.z + b.z :=
Where possible, prove them with rfl
this allows the dsimp
tactic to use them!
example : ((⟨1, 2, 3⟩ : Point) + (⟨10, 20, 30⟩ : Point)).x = 11 := by
dsimp -- goal is now `1 + 10 = 11`
How do we prove two points are equal?
theorem Point.ext {a b : Point}
(hx : a.x = b.x)
(hy : a.y = b.y)
(hz : a.z = b.z) : a = b := by cases a
cases b dsimp only at *
/- hx : x✝¹ = x✝
hy : y✝¹ = y✝
hz : z✝¹ = z✝
⊢ { x := x✝¹, y := y✝¹, z := z✝¹ }
= { x := x✝, y := y✝, z := z✝ } -/
rw [hx, hy, hz]
The cases
tactic takes a structure apart into pieces.
How do we prove two points are equal?
theorem Point.ext {a b : Point}
(hx : a.x = b.x)
(hy : a.y = b.y)
(hz : a.z = b.z) : a = b := by obtain ⟨a_x, a_y, a_z⟩ := a
obtain ⟨a_b, b_y, b_z⟩ := b dsimp only at *
/- hx : a_x = a_b
hy : a_y = b_y
hz : a_z = b_z
⊢ { x := a_x, y := a_y, z := a_z }
= { x := a_b, y := b_y, z := b_z } -/
rw [hx, hy, hz]
The cases
tactic takes a structure apart into pieces.
Another spelling is obtain
, which allows naming the pieces.
The dsimp only
tactic cleans up some noise.
How do we prove two points are equal?
structure Point where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
The @[ext]
attribute on a structure
generates Point.ext
example {a b : Point}
(hx : a.x = b.x)
(hy : a.y = b.y)
(hz : a.z = b.z) : a = b := by
repeat' assumption
The ext
tactic finds and uses Point.ext
theorem add_comm (a b : Point) :
a + b = b + a := by
ext <;> dsimp <;> apply add_comm
and dsimp
together make short work of commutativity.
Structures can contain proof fields too:
structure OpenDisc2D (r : ℝ) where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
mem_disc : x^2 + y^2 < r^2
Points in a disc of radius $r$
def unitDiscZero : OpenDisc2D 1 where
x := 0
y := 0
mem_disc := by
-- goal is 0 ^ 2 + 0 ^ 2 < 1 ^ 2
To fill the proof field, we enter tactic mode!
Proofs can be extracted with .
notation just like data
example (p : OpenDisc2D 1) : p.x ≠ 2 := by
intro hx -- hx : p.x = 2
have := p.mem_disc -- this : p.x ^ 2 + p.y ^ 2 < 1 ^ 2
More examples
structure EvenNat
n : ℕ
is_even : Even n
structure PythagoreanTriple
a : ℕ
b : ℕ
c : ℕ
sq_add_sq : a^2 + b^2 = c^2
structure RootOf (f : ℝ → ℝ)
x : ℝ
is_root : f x = 0
Structures can be propositions
-- based on a silly software interview question
structure IsFizzBuzz (n : ℕ) : Prop where
three_dvd : 3 ∣ n
five_dvd : 5 ∣ n
/-- `α × β` is notation for `Prod α β` -/
structure Prod (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where
fst : α
snd : β
/-- `{x : α // p x}` is notation for `Subtype p` -/
structure Subtype {α : Sort u} (p : α → Prop) where
val : α
property : p val
Could have defined Point
and OpenDisc2D
def Point' : Type := ℝ × ℝ × ℝ -- syntax for `Prod ℝ (Prod ℝ ℝ)`
def OpenDisc2D' (r : ℝ) : Type := {x : ℝ × ℝ // x.1^2 + x.2^2 < r ^ 2}
but p.z
is much nicer than p'.2.1
Exercises: show these types are equivalent!
This isn't just a Lean trick; mathematical examples:
a set $P$ and a binary relation $\le$ on $P$ that is transitive and antisymmetric.
a set $G$ with
an associative
binary operation,
an identity element
$1$, and
a function
$g \mapsto g^{-1}$ that
an inverse for each $g$ in $G$.
A group is abelian
or commutative
if the operation is commutative.
a partially ordered set with meets and joins.
an (additively written) abelian group
$(R, +, 0, x \mapsto -x)$
together with an associative multiplication operation
$\cdot$ and an identity $1$,
such that multiplication distributes over addition.
A ring is commutative
if the multiplication is commutative.
a ring together with a partial order on its elements $(R, +, 0, -, \cdot, 1, \le)$, such that $a \le b$ implies $a + c \le b + c$ for every $a$, $b$, and $c$ in $R$, and $0 \le a$ and $0 \le b$ implies $0 \le a b$ for every $a$ and $b$ in $R$.
a set $X$ and a function $d : X \times X \to \mathbb{R}$ such that the following hold:
A fairly direct lean translation:
class PartialOrder (P : Type) := -- a set $P$ and
le : P → P → Prop -- a binary relation $\le$ on $P$
le_trans : Transitive le -- that is transitive
le_antirefl : AntiSymmetric le -- and antisymmetric
class Group (G : Type) := -- a set $G$ with
mul : G → G → G -- an associative binary operation,
mul_assoc : Associative mul
one : G -- an identity element $1$, and
one_mul : LeftIdentity mul one
mul_one : RightIdentity mul one
inv : G → G -- a function $g \mapsto g^{-1}$ that
mul_right_inv :
RightInverse mul inv one -- returns an inverse for each $g$ in $G$.
These are not quite the definitions in mathlib,
but they're close enough to not matter
classThe group definition in mathlib avoids Associative
and instead writes things out directly:
class Group (G : Type) where
mul : G → G → G
one : G
inv : G → G
mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : G, mul (mul x y) z = mul x (mul y z)
mul_one : ∀ x : G, mul x one = x
one_mul : ∀ x : G, mul one x = x
mul_left_inv : ∀ x : G, mul (inv x) x = one
This doesn't give us *
, 1
, or ⁻¹
notation yet without:
instance Group.toMul (G) [Group G] : Mul G where
mul := Group.mul
instance Group.toOne (G) [Group G] : One G where
one := Group.one
instance Group.toInv (G) [Group G] : Inv G where
inv := Group.inv
classWe can do a little better by directly putting these in Group
; now we can use the notation in the definition!
class Group (G : Type) where
toMul : Mul G
toOne : One G
toInv : Inv G
mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : G, (x * y) * z = x * (y * z)
mul_one : ∀ x : G, x * 1 = x
one_mul : ∀ x : G, 1 * x = x
mul_left_inv : ∀ x : G, x⁻¹ * x = 1
attribute [instance] Group.toMul Group.toOne Group.toInv
attribute [instance]
makes these work:
variables (G) [Group G]
#synth Mul G -- displays `Group.toMul`
example : Mul G := inferInstance
classThis pattern is so common that Lean has
special notation for it, extends
class Group (G : Type) extends Mul G, One G, Inv G where
mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : G, (x * y) * z = x * (y * z)
mul_one : ∀ x : G, x * 1 = x
one_mul : ∀ x : G, 1 * x = x
mul_left_inv : ∀ x : G, x⁻¹ * x = 1
not *
?mathlib uses Group
for when the operation is spelt *
and AddGroup
for when it is spelt +
This means we have to write everything twice!
makes that ok, but isn't part of this talk)
Exercise: write the AddGroup
instance : One (Equiv.Perm α) where
one := Equiv.refl _
instance : Mul (Equiv.Perm α) where
mul x y := x.trans y
instance : Inv (Equiv.Perm α) where
inv x := x.symm
instance : Group (Equiv.perm α) where
-- one, mul, and inv are filled automatically
mul_assoc x y z := by
mul_one x := by
one_mul x := by
mul_left_inv x := by
Classes can be chained transitively:
instance [One α] [One β] : One (α × β) where
one := (1, 1)
instance [Mul α] [Mul β] : Mul (α × β) where
mul x y := (x.1 * y.1, x.2 * x.2)
instance [Inv α] [Inv β] : Inv (α × β) where
inv x := (x.1⁻¹, x.2⁻¹)
instance [Group α] [Group β] : Group (α × β) where
mul_assoc x y z := by
mul_one x := by
one_mul x := by
mul_left_inv x := by
Exercise: do this for AddGroup Point
Using 💡 on the real Group
Division, natural powers, and integer powers are obvious; why do we need to specify them?
Answer: silly technical reasons, see §7 of arXiv:2202.01629
You can just delete them, and Lean will auto-fill them in the obvious way!
example {α : Type} :
Group (Equiv.Perm α) where
mul := _
mul_assoc := _
one := _
one_mul := _
mul_one := _
npow := _
npow_zero := _
npow_succ := _
inv := _
div := _
div_eq_mul_inv := _
zpow := _
zpow_zero' := _
zpow_succ' := _
zpow_neg' := _
mul_left_inv := _
What if our algebraic structure is non-canonical?
structure MulOpposite (α : Type) where op ::
unop : α
variable {α} [Mul α]
instance : Mul (MulOpposite α) where
mul x y := op (unop y * unop x)
@[simp] theorem op_mul (a b : α) :
op (a * b) = op b * op a := rfl
@[simp] theorem unop_mul
(a b : MulOpposite α) :
unop (a * b) = unop b * unop a := rfl
Exercise: show this forms
the opposite group
WithLp p V
OrderDual α
to *
, Multiplicative A
This talk loosely followed §6 of MIL.
The slides can be found at
The exercises can be found in the C05_Structures_And_Classes
The MIL exercises are there too, but you'll need to open MIL for the instructions!