Eric Wieser, Joan Lasenby
Cambridge University Engineering Department
The geometric algebra over an $R$-vector space $V$, with quadratic form $Q : V \to R$.
For $\mathbb{R}^{p,q,r}$, $\Qof{\sum_{i=1}^p \sca{a^{+}_i}\vec{e^{+}_i} + \sum_{i=1}^q \sca{a^{-}_i}\vec{e^{-}_i} + \sum_{i=1}^r \sca{a^{0}_i}\vec{e^{0}_i}} = {\sum_{i=1}^p \sca{{(a^{+}_i)}^2} - \sum_{i=1}^q \sca{{(a^{-}_i)}^2}}$
$\mathbb{C} \cong \mathcal{G}(\mathbb{R}^{0,1}) \cong \mathcal{G}^{+}(\mathbb{R}^{0,2}), \qquad \mathbb{H} \cong \mathcal{G}(\mathbb{R}^{0,2}) \cong \mathcal{G}^{+}(\mathbb{R}^{0,3})$
Add a new basis vector $e_{-}^2 = -1$, build the (known) map
bijective ✔, linear ✔, basis-independent ?
Software implementation is certainly not coordinate-free!
def to_even(x: g3.MultiVector) -> g3p1.MultiVector:
[c, c1, c2, c3, c12, c23, c31, c123] = x.value
return g3p1.MultiVector(
[c, 0, 0, 0, 0, c1, c2, c3, c12, c23, c31,
0, 0, 0, 0, c123])
def from_even(x: g3p1.MultiVector) -> g3.MultiVector:
[c, _, _, _, _, c1e, c2e, c3e, c12, c23, c31,
_, _, _, _, c123e] = x.value
return g3.MultiVector(
[c, c1e, c2e, c3e, c12, c23, c31, c123e])
What about the general case, $\GVQ \cong \mathcal{G}^{+}(V \oplus R, Q')$?
(with $Q'(v + re_{-}) = Q(v) - r^2$)
Is this well-defined for all $Q$?
Can we compute this without invoking a basis?
Using $\GVQ \cong \mathcal{G}^{+}(V \oplus R, Q')$ as a motivating example, we will:
Given a function $f : V \to A$, construct $F : \GVQ \to A$ as
Similar to the outermorphism
which builds
$F : \bigwedge V \to \bigwedge W$ from $f : V \to W$, but with $xy$ not $x \wedge y$.
Example: $F(1 + 2e_1 + 3e_{12}) = 1 + 2f(e_1) + 3f(e_1)f(e_2)$
Not well-defined on all $f$, consider $f = v \mapsto 0$:
$1 \eqqcolon F(1) = F(e_1e_1) \coloneqq F(e_1)F(e_1) = f(e_1)f(e_1) = 0$ (!)
For any choice of an $R$-algebra $A$, there is 1:1 correspondence between
$f(\vec{v})^2 = \sca{Q(}v\sca{)}1$
\[\begin{align*} F &= \operatorname{lift}[f] \\ f &= \operatorname{lift}^{-1}[F] \\ &= u \mapsto F(\iota(u))\\ &= u \mapsto F(u) \end{align*}\]
How do we compute
1 @. @. v @. @. uv @. @. uvw @. @. \cdots @. : @. \GVQ \\
@VVV @. @VVV @. @VVV @. @VVV @. @. @. @VVFV \\
1 @. @. v\boldsymbol{e_{-}}@. @. uv @. @. uvw\boldsymbol{e_{-}} @. @. \cdots @. : @. \mathcal{G}^{+}(V \oplus R, Q')
Would applying the universal property with $f \coloneqq v \mapsto ve_{-}$ work?
$F(uv) = f(u)f(v) = ue_{-}ve_{-} = -ue_{-}^2v = -u(-1)v = uv$✔
Are we allowed to?
$f$ is linear ✔,
$f(v)f(v) = vv = Q(V)$ ✔
$\operatorname{to\_even} : \GVQ \alg{R} \mathcal{G}^{+}(V\oplus R, Q') \coloneqq \operatorname{lift}[f]$
If a software library libA
implements the universal property:
def libA.g3_universal_property(f, x: libA.g3.MultiVector):
""" Evaluate $\operatorname{lift}[f](x)$ """
e1, e2, e3 = [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]
[c, c1, c2, c3, c12, c12, c31, c123] = x.value
return (x + c1*f(e1) + c2*f(e2) + c3*f(e3)
+ c12*f(e1)*f(e2) + c23*f(e2)*f(e3) + c31*f(e3)*f(e1) + c123*f(e1)*f(e2)*f(e3))
between libraries as:
def to_even_f(v: V) -> libB.g3p1.EvenMultiVector:
return libB.g3p1.EvenMultiVector.iota((v, 0), (0, 1)) # $ve_{-}$
def to_even(mv: libA.g3.MultiVector) -> libB.g3p1.EvenMultiVector:
return libA.g3.universal_property(to_even_f, mv)
Note: implemention is now coordinate-free!
def to_even(mv: libA.g3.MultiVector) -> libB.g3.MultiVector:
return libA.g3.universal_property(libB.MultiVector.iota, mv)
(since mathematically, $\operatorname{lift}[\iota](x) = x$)
Let $f : V \to \GVQ \coloneqq v \mapsto -v$.
$f(v)^2 = (-v)^2 = v^2 = Q(v)$ ✔
Then $\hat x \coloneqq \operatorname{lift}[f](x)$.
Let $A^\mathrm{op}$ be the opposite algebra of $A$, where $\operatorname{op} (xy) = (\operatorname{op} y)(\operatorname{op} x)$ and $\operatorname{op}c = c$.
Let $f : V \to \htmlData{fragment-index=3}{\htmlClass{fragment highlight-blue}{\GVQ^\mathrm{op}}} \coloneqq v \mapsto \operatorname{op} v$.
$\begin{aligned}f(v)^2 &= (\operatorname{op} v)^2 = \operatorname{op} (v^2) \\ &= \operatorname{op} (Q(v)) = Q(v)\,\htmlClass{c-success}{✔}\end{aligned}$
Then $\tilde x = \htmlData{fragment-index=3}{\htmlClass{fragment highlight-teal}{\operatorname{op}^{-1}}}(\operatorname{lift}[f](x))$.
A function can be defined on a list by defining it:
on $[~]$, the empty list
on $a :: l$ given its value on $l$
(Note: $[a, b, c] = a :: b :: c :: [~]$ by definition)
\[\begin{align*} \operatorname{sum} : \operatorname{list} R &\to R \\ \operatorname{sum}([~]) &\coloneqq 0 \\ \operatorname{sum}(a :: l) &\coloneqq a + \htmlClass{fragment highlight-blue fragment-index-3}{\operatorname{sum}(l)} \end{align*}\]
def sum : list R → R
| [] := 0
| (a :: l) := a + sum l
sum :: [R] -> R
sum [] = 0
sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs
Let's define acc([a, b, c]) = [0, a, a + b, a + b + c]
\[\begin{alignat*}{3} \operatorname{acc\_from} : \operatorname{list} R &\to \emblue{R} &&\emblue{\to \operatorname{list} R} \\ \operatorname{acc\_from}([~]) &\coloneqq a &&\mapsto [a] \\ \operatorname{acc\_from}(b :: l) &\coloneqq a &&\mapsto a :: \emblue{\operatorname{acc\_from}(l)}(a + b) \end{alignat*}\]
\[\begin{alignat*}{3} \operatorname{acc} &: &\operatorname{list} R &\to \operatorname{list} R \\ \operatorname{acc} &\coloneqq &l &\mapsto \operatorname{acc\_from}(l)(0) \end{alignat*}\]
def acc_from : list R → R → list R
| [] := λ a, [a]
| (b :: l) := λ a, a :: acc_from l (a + b)
def acc : list R → list R :=
λ l, acc_from l 0
Let's define rev_acc([a, b, c]) = [a+b+c, b+c, c, 0]
def rev_acc_aux : list R → R × list R
| [] := (0, [])
| (a :: l) := let (b, l') := rev_acc_aux l
in (a + b, b :: l')
def rev_acc : list R → list R :=
λ l, let (b, l') := rev_acc_aux l
in b :: l'
Clever output types enable more sophisticated recursion schemes:
These tricks are composable; the output type $S \to (S \times \cdot)$
lets us evolve a state $s_i : S$ throughout the recursion.
The space of functions $W \to W$ do not form an $R$-algebra…
…but the space of $R$-linear maps $W \to W$ (aka $\mathrm{End}_R(W)$) do! Define
Let's apply $\operatorname{lift}$ to $f : V \to \mathrm{End}_R(W)$.
$f(v)f(v) = Q(v)1$ requirement becomes $f(v, f(v, w)) = Q(v)w$.
For example,
\[\begin{align*} \operatorname{lift}[f](e_{123}, w_0) &= f(e_1, f(e_2, f(e_3, w_0))) \\ \operatorname{lift}[f](2 + 3e_{12}, w_0) &= 2x_0 + 3f(e_1, f(e_2, w_0)) \end{align*}\]Given a function $f : V \to V \to A$, construct $F : \GVQe \to A$ as
$F(1 + 3e_{12} + 5e_{1234}) = 1 + 3f(e_1, e_2) + 5f(e_1, e_2)f(e_3, e_4)$
Not well-defined on all $f$, consider
$f = u \mapsto v \mapsto 0$:
$1 \eqqcolon F(1) = F(e_1e_1) \coloneqq f(e_1, e_1) = 0$
For any choice of an $R$-algebra $A$, there is 1:1 correspondence between
$f : V \lin{R} V \lin{R} A$
\[\begin{align*} f(v, v)^2 &= \sca{Q(}v\sca{)}1 \\ f(v_1, v_2)f(v_2, v_3) &= \sca{Q(}v_2\sca{)}f(v_1, v_3) \end{align*}\]
$F : \GVQe \alg{R} A$
\[\begin{align*} F &= \operatorname{lift}^{+}[f] \\ f &= \operatorname{lift}^{-1}[F] \\ &= u \mapsto v \mapsto F(\iota^{+}(u, v))\\ &= u \mapsto v \mapsto F(uv) \end{align*}\]
We want:
$$\operatorname{lift}^{+}[f](1 + e_{12} + e_{1234}) = 1 + f(e_1, e_2) + f(e_1, e_2)f(e_3, e_4)$$
For a suitable $g : V \to \mathrm{End}_R(W)$ and $w_0 : W$, we saw that:
\operatorname{lift}[g](1 + e_{12} + e_{1234}, w_0) = w_0 &+ g(e_1, g(e_2, w_0)) \\&+ g(e_1, g(e_2, g(e_3, g(e_4, w_0))))
If we can make $h(g(v_1, g(v_2, w)) = f(v_1, v_2)h(w)$ and $h(w_0) = 1$, then
Solve for $W$ and $h : W \to A$ and $w_0 : W$ and $g : V \to \mathrm{End}_R(W)$!
$h(\htmlData{id=constraints-lhs-1}{g(v_1, g(v_2,} w\htmlData{id=constraints-lhs-2}{))} = \htmlData{id=constraints-rhs}{f(v_1, v_2)}h(w)$
and $h(w_0) = 1$
$W$ and $h : W \to A$ and $w_0 : W$ and
$g : V \to \mathrm{End}_R(W)$
Inspired by the recursor slides, try
$$W \coloneqq A \oplus S,\qquad h \coloneqq (a, s) \mapsto a, \qquad w_0 \coloneqq (1, 0)$$
$$( \htmlData{id=lift-def-lhs}{\operatorname{lift}^{+}[f](x)}, \dotsc) \coloneqq \htmlData{id=lift-def-rhs-1}{\operatorname{lift}[g](x,} (1, 0) \htmlData{id=lift-def-lhs-2}{)}$$
$\htmlData{id=constraints-lhs-1}{g(v_1, g(v_2,} (a, s)\htmlData{id=constraints-lhs-2}{))} = (\htmlData{id=constraints-rhs}{f(v_1, v_2)}a, \dotsc)$
$S$ and $g : V \to \mathrm{End}_R(A \oplus S)$
If $S$ holds half-applied versions of $f$, we can define
$$(\operatorname{lift}^{+}[f](x), \dotsc) \coloneqq \operatorname{lift}[g](x, (1, 0))$$
Let $S$ hold half-applied versions of $f$ (roughly* $S \coloneqq V \to A$)
For $\operatorname{lift}[g]$ to be valid, we need the $*$ in:
Need $f(v, v) = \sca{Q(}v\sca{)}1$ (easy) and $f(v_1, v_2)f(v_2, v_3) = \sca{Q(}v_2\sca{)}f(v_1, v_3)$ (involved!)
How do we compute
1 @. @. v @. @. uv @. @. uvw @. @. \cdots @. : @. \GVQ \\
@AAA @. @AAA @. @AAA @. @AAA @. @. @. @AAFA \\
1 @. @. v\boldsymbol{e_{-}}@. @. uv @. @. uvw\boldsymbol{e_{-}} @. @. \cdots @. : @. \mathcal{G}^{+}(V \oplus R, Q')
Intuition: remove $e$ from pairs that contain it
\[\begin{alignat*}{5} f^{-1}(e_{-}&,{}& e_{-}) &= -1 & \quad f^{-1}(v_1&,{}& v_2) &= v_1v_2 \\ f^{-1}(e_{-}&,{}& v_2) &= v_2 & \quad f^{-1}(v_1&,{}& e_{-}) &= -v_1 \end{alignat*}\]
By linearity, $f^{-1}(v_1+r_1e_{-}, v_2+r_2e_{-}) = (v_1 + r_1)(v_2 - r_2)$
Are we allowed to apply the universal property of $\GVQe$?
\[\begin{align*} f^{-1}(v{+}re_{-},v{+}re_{-}) &= v^2 - r^2 = Q'(v{+}re_{-})\,\htmlClass{c-success}{✔} \\ f^{-1}(v_1{+}r_1e,v_2{+}r_2e)f^{-1}(v_2{+}r_2e,v_3{+}r_3e_{-}) &= Q'(v_2{+}r_2e_{-})f^{-1}(v_1{+}r_1e_{-},v_3{+}r_3e_{-})\,\htmlClass{c-success}{✔}\end{align*}\]
$\operatorname{of\_even} : \mathcal{G}^{+}(V\oplus R, Q') \alg{R} \GVQ \coloneqq \operatorname{lift}^{+}[f^{-1}]$
Let's build the isomorphism $\mathcal{G}^{+}(V, Q) \cong \mathcal{G}^{+}(V, Q')$ where $Q' = -Q$.
In more concrete terms, $\mathcal{G}^{+}(\mathbb{R}^{p,q}) \cong \mathcal{G}^{+}(\mathbb{R}^{q,p})$
Note this gives $\mathbb{H} \cong \mathcal{G}(\mathbb{R}^{0,2}) \cong \mathcal{G}^{+}(\mathbb{R}^{0,3}) \emblue{\cong \mathcal{G}^{+}(\mathbb{R}^3)}$
Let $f : V \to V \to \mathcal{G}^{+}(V, Q') \coloneqq u \mapsto v \mapsto -uv$.
\[\begin{align*} f(v, v) &= -vv = -Q'(v) = Q(v)\,\htmlClass{c-success}{✔} \\ f(u, v)f(v, w) &= uvvw = uQ'(v)w = Q(v)(-uw)\,\htmlClass{c-success}{✔} \end{align*}\]
Then $\operatorname{flip\_signature} x \coloneqq \operatorname{lift}^{+}[f](x)$.
These algorithms did not need:
a basis on $V$,
$V$ to be finite-dimensional,
or $R$ to be a field!
Such generalization are valuable in building large libraries of formalized mathematics:
One such library of formalized mathematics; Lean's mathlib
variables {R V A : Type*} -- Note: no basis, $R$ need not be a field!
variables [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group V] [module R V] [semiring A] [algebra R A]
variables (Q : quadratic_form R V)
/-- The universal property of $\GVQ$ -/
def lift : {f : V →ₗ[R] A // ∀ v, f v * f v = Q v • 1} ≃ (clifford_algebra Q →ₐ[R] A) :=
-- $f(v)^2 = Q(v)$
structure even_hom :=
(f : V →ₗ[R] V →ₗ[R] A)
(contract (v : V) : f v v = algebra_map R A (Q v)) -- $f(v, v) = Q(v)$
(contract_mid (v₁ v₂ v₃ : V) : f v₁ v₂ * f v₂ v₃ = Q v₂ • f v₁ v₃) -- $f(v_1, v_2)f(v_2, v_3) = Q(v_2)f(v_1, v_3)$
/-- The universal property of $\GVQe$ -/
def even.lift : even_hom Q A ≃ (clifford_algebra.even Q →ₐ[R] A) :=
/-- The isomorphism between $\GVQ$ and $\mathcal{G}^{+}(V\oplus R, Q')$ -/
def equiv_even : clifford_algebra Q ≃ₐ[R] clifford_algebra.even (Q' Q) :=
These slides:
The Lean formalization:
Everything else:
Longer tutorial on the universal property:
An important result:
$\GVQ$ is isomorphic as an $R$-module to the exterior algebra $\bigwedge(V)$
\[\begin{align*} v\;\rfloor^f\;(uU) &= f(v, u)U - u(v\;\rfloor^f\;U)\\ \alpha^f (uU ) &= u\alpha^f (U) - u \rfloor^f (\alpha^f (U)) \end{align*}\]Algèbre. Chapitre IX Bourbaki
where $f(x,y) = \pm\frac{1}{2}(Q(x+y) - Q(x) + Q(y))$
This fits into our framework!
Verify this mets the requirements of the universal property of $\GVQ$:
Evaluate at $(1, 0)$
Geometric algebra isn't the only thing with a universal property:
$\mathcal{G}(V, Q)$ |
$f : V \lin{R} A$
where $f(\vec{v})^2 = \sca{Q(}v\sca{)}1$
$F : \mathcal{G}(V, Q) \alg{R} A$
$\bigwedge(V)$ |
$f : V \lin{R} A$
where $f(\vec{v})^2 = 0$
$F : \bigwedge(V) \alg{R} A$
$T(V)$ |
$f : V \lin{R} A$
$F : T(V) \alg{R} A$
The techniques we saw earlier transfer to the tensor and exterior algebras too.