Eric Wieser (efw27@
Signal Processing Group
Geometry is inherently non-commutative:
… algebraic representations of geometry are too:
The matrix algebra $\mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ is the typical choice for representing geometry, but is by no means the only choice available:
Exterior algebra
Geometric algebra
Like the complex numbers, $q = r + x\mathrm{i} + y\mathrm{j} + z\mathrm{k}$, but with $i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = ijk = −1$.
In 3D, a rotation around the axis $u$ by $\theta$ can be represented as:
$$e^{\frac{\theta}{2}{(u_x\mathrm{i} + u_y\mathrm{j} + u_z\mathrm{k})}} = \cos \frac{\theta}{2} + (u_x\mathrm{i} + u_y\mathrm{j} + u_z\mathrm{k}) \sin \frac{\theta}{2}$$Applying a quaternion rotation is done as $qvq^{-1}$.
Every (normed) quaternion represents a rotation; typically a better choice than rotation matrices which can become non-orthonormal.
A division ring, unlike the matrix algebra; all non-zero quaternions have an inverse.
For an arbitrary vector space $V$ containing $u, v$, $u \wedge v = -v \wedge u$ represents an oriented plane at the origin spanning $u$ then $v$.
Unlike the cross product, generalizes to higher dimensions: $u \wedge v \wedge w$ is an oriented volume.
An extension of exterior algebra that includes a metric $Q$, which result in a dot product.
Multiplication of vectors satisfies:
$$uv = u\cdot v + u \wedge v$$As we saw, this is particularly easy to motivate through geometry. This paves the way to further weakening
of our algebraic rules.
$\mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ and $\bigwedge(B)$ and $\mathcal{G}(Q)$ all have this property.
This means $ab = ac \centernot\implies b = c$ even if $a \ne 0$!
A simple example is the vector cross product:
$$u \times (v \times w) = (u \times v) \times w + v \times (u \times w)$$More examples: Lie algebras, Octonions, …
Forgetting these weaknesses leads to algebraic mistakes.
Can we software help us keep track of them?
A computer algebra system (CAS) or symbolic algebra system (SAS) is any mathematical software with the ability to manipulate mathematical expressions in a way similar to the traditional manual computations of mathematicians and scientists.Computer algebra system Wikipedia
Useful for
Typical features
Notable implementations
SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python.
Why wasn't this on the previous slide?
Sage[Math] tries to gather together all the major open source mathematics software, and glue it together into a useful system. In fact, Sage[Math] includes SymPy as one of its systems.
What is the difference between SymPy and Sage[Math]? Aaron Meurer (Lead SymPy developer)
Solve $x^2 - 2 = 0$
>>> solve(x**2 - 2, x) $\left[ - \sqrt{2}, \ \sqrt{2}\right]$
Take the derivative of $\sin{(x)}e^x$
>>> diff(sin(x)*exp(x), x) $e^{x} \sin{\left(x \right)} + e^{x} \cos{\left(x \right)}$
Compute $\int_{-\infty}^\infty \sin{(x^2)}\,dx$
>>> integrate(exp(x)*sin(x) + exp(x)*cos(x), x) $e^{x} \sin{\left(x \right)}$
Solve the differential equation $y'' - y = e^t$
>>> y = Function('y') >>> dsolve(Eq(y(t).diff(t, t) - y(t), exp(t)), y(t)) $y{\left(t \right)} = C_{2} e^{- t} + \left(C_{1} + \frac{t}{2}\right) e^{t}$
The Power of Symbolic Computation
>>> from sympy import *; from this_presentation import show_repr
>>> x, y = symbols('x y', real=True)
>>> expr = (x + y)*(x - y); expr
$(x - y)(x + y)$
>>> show_repr(expr)
Mul(Add($x$, Mul(Integer(-1), $y$)),
Add($x$, $y$))
>>> x, y = symbols('x y', complex=True)
>>> expr = (x + y)*(x - y); expr
$(x - y)(x + y)$
>>> show_repr(expr)
Mul(Add($x$, Mul(Integer(-1), $y$)),
Add($x$, $y$))
, Add
, Mul
, …Symbol
, Add
, Mul
, …MatrixSymbol
, MatAdd
, MatMul
, …
>>> m, n = symbols('m n')
>>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', m, n)
>>> Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', m, n)
>>> expr = (X + Y)*(X - Y).T; expr
$(X + Y)(X^T - Y^T)$
>>> show_repr(expr)
MatAdd($X$, $Y$),
MatMul(Integer(-1), Transpose($Y$))))
No symbolic quaternions; only quaternions with symbolic coefficients.
>>> x, xi, xj, xk = symbols('x x_i x_j x_k'); xq = Quaternion(x, xi, xj, xk)
>>> y, yi, yj, yk = symbols('y y_i y_j y_k'); yq = Quaternion(y, yi, yj, yk)
>>> expr = xq * yq; expr
$\left(x y - x_{i} y_{i} - x_{j} y_{j} - x_{k} y_{k}\right) + \left(x y_{i} + x_{i} y + x_{j} y_{k} - x_{k} y_{j}\right) i$
$\quad+ \left(x y_{j} - x_{i} y_{k} + x_{j} y + x_{k} y_{i}\right) j + \left(x y_{k} + x_{i} y_{j} - x_{j} y_{i} + x_{k} y\right)$
>>> show_repr(expr)
Quaternion(Add(Mul($x$, $y$), Mul(Integer(-1), $x_i$, $y_i$), Mul(Integer(-1), $x_j$, $y_j$), Mul(Integer(-1), $x_k$, $y_k$)),
Add(Mul($x$, $y_i$), Mul($x_i$, $y$), Mul($x_j$, $y_k$), Mul(Integer(-1), $x_k$, $y_j$)),
Add(Mul($x$, $y_j$), Mul(Integer(-1), $x_i$, $y_k$), Mul($x_j$, $y$), Mul($x_k$, $y_i$)),
Add(Mul($x$, $y_k$), Mul($x_i$, $y_j$), Mul(Integer(-1), $x_j$, $y_i$), Mul($x_k$, $y$)))
This makes quaternions hard to work with:
$x_qx_qx_q^{-1}y_q = x_qy_q$
>>> (xq * xq * xq**-1 * yq).simplify()
$\left(x y - x_{i} y_{i} - x_{j} y_{j} - x_{k} y_{k}\right) + \left(x y_{i} + x_{i} y + x_{j} y_{k} - x_{k} y_{j}\right) i$
$\qquad + \left(x y_{j} - x_{i} y_{k} + x_{j} y + x_{k} y_{i}\right) j + \left(x y_{k} + x_{i} y_{j} - x_{j} y_{i} + x_{k} y\right) k$
$\nabla_{\!x_q}(x_qy_q) = -2y_q$
>>> def q_diff(Φ, dq): # similar to ∇Φ
... ℍ = Quaternion
... I, J, K = ℍ(0,1,0,0), ℍ(0,0,1,0), ℍ(0,0,0,1)
... return (Φ.diff(dq.a) + I*Φ.diff(dq.b)
... + J*Φ.diff(dq.c) + K*Φ.diff(dq.d))
>>> q_diff(xq*yq, xq)
$- 2 y + - 2 y_{i} i + - 2 y_{j} j + - 2 y_{k} k$
>>> m, n = symbols('m, n')
>>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
>>> B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, n)
>>> P = MatrixSymbol('P', m, n)
>>> Q = MatrixSymbol('Q', n, m)
>>> Eq(det(A*B), det(A)*det(B))
can be used to write down a symbolic equality.
is expanding the determinant for us.
>>> Eq(det(A*B*A.inv()), det(B))
$\left|{A^{-1}}\right| \left|{A}\right| \left|{B}\right| = \left|{B}\right|$
>>> Eq(det(A*B*A.inv()), det(B)).simplify()
gets us partway there, but doesn't finish the job.
can clean up.
>>> I = Identity >>> Eq(det(I(m) + P*Q), det(I(n) + Q*P)) $\left|{\mathbb{I} + PQ}\right| = \left|{\mathbb{I} + QP}\right|$ >>> Eq(det(I(m) + P*Q), ... det(I(n) + Q*P)).simplify() NonSquareMatrixError: Det of a non-square matrix
>>> I = Identity >>> Eq(det(I(n) + A*B), det(I(n) + B*A)) $\left|{\mathbb{I} + AB}\right| = \left|{\mathbb{I} + BA}\right|$ >>> Eq(det(I(n) + A*B), ... det(I(n) + B*A)).simplify() AttributeError: 'Mul' object has no attribute 'shape'
There is no MatAdd._eval_determinant
to help here.
is ad-hoc, and sometimes crashes! Switching to square matrices makes things worse!
Consider supporting a new algebra, MyAlg
. We have two big hurdles:
It looks like we have to build new MyAlgAdd
, MyAlgMul
, … objects.
This scales poorly if we want to work with things like matrices of MyAlg
; do we need MatMyAlgAdd
If we get this wrong, things like simplify()
fail if they expect MyAlgMul
but get a Mul
Defining our objects as structures with fields like we would in a conventional programming language isn't enough.
Expression tree objects needs to know how to simplify themselves.
This local simplification doesn't scale to things like $\operatorname{det}(1 + AB) = \operatorname{det}(1 + BA)$.
Are we sure our simplifications are mathematically sound?
What if our programming language could handle all of this?
A proof assistant [or theorem prover] is a piece of software that provides a language for defining objects, specifying properties of these objects, and proving that these specifications hold. The system checks that these proofs are correct down to their logical foundation.
These tools are often used to verify the correctness of programs. But they can also be used for abstract mathematics [...]. In a formalization, all definitions are precisely specified and all proofs are virtually guaranteed to be correct.
What is a proof assistant? Lean community website
Lean had the advantage of being born later and learning from past mistakes.
CICM 2020 slack Mario Carneiro, Lean Maintainer
Easier and faster to use
More of a focus of algorithms to solve specific problems
Sometimes tricky to extend
No strong guarantees of correctness
Steeper learning curve
Focus on correctness; very small core
which requires trust.
Very extensible, as even things like equality, =
, are built as extensions to the core!
-- name : type := value (or "term")
def two : ℕ := 2
def double (a : ℕ) : ℕ := two * a
-- syntax for `Exists (λ x : ℕ, eq (double x) 3)`
def unlikely : Prop := ∃ x : ℕ, double x = 3
lemma unlikely_proof : unlikely := sorry
lemma double_is_add_self (a : ℕ) : double a = a + a :=
by { dsimp [double, two], apply two_mul }
ℕ = nat
mathematicians [have] lower tolerance for unintuitive interfaces than computer scientists.
CICM 2020 slack Mario Carneiro, PhD in Logic, Lean Maintainer
is function that takes and outputs a ℕ
It has type ℕ → ℕ
A Prop
is a mathematical statement.
Behind this nice syntax lies an expression tree
instances are themselves Type
Values are their proofs.
Note that a
is analogous to a sympy.Symbol
Arguments to functions and symbols in mathematical statements are the same thing!
double_is_add_self 1
is a proof that double 1 = 1 + 1
and apply
are tactics,
to help us construct proofs interactively.
is a lemma
from the library.
for abstraction
class add_comm_group (A : Type)
extends has_add A, has_zero A, has_neg A : Type :=
(add_comm : ∀ a b : A, a + b = b + a )
(add_assoc : ∀ a b c : A, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c))
(zero_add : ∀ a : A, 0 + a = a )
(add_one : ∀ a : A, a + 0 = a )
(add_left_neg : ∀ a : A, -a + a = 0 )
is the name of our type-class.
makes this a dependent type,
add_comm_group A
is a collection of proofs that A
forms an abelian group
is inheritance.
Used here to provide +
, 0
and -
for A
Theorems consume the API so as to generalize to all abelian groups...
lemma neg_add {A : Type} [add_comm_group A] (a b : A) :
-(a + b) = -a + -b := sorry
$\mathbb{H}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ implement the API to prove they are abelian:
instance : add_comm_group ℍ :=
{ add_assoc := sorry, add_comm := sorry,
zero_add := sorry, add_zero := sorry,
add_left_neg := sorry }
instance : add_comm_group (matrix m n ℝ) :=
{ add_assoc := sorry, add_comm := sorry,
zero_add := sorry, add_zero := sorry,
add_left_neg := sorry }
import linear_algebra.matrix.nonsingular_inverse
variables {R m n : Type} [comm_ring R] [fintype m] [fintype n] [decidable_eq m] [decidable_eq n]
variables (A B : matrix n n R) (P : matrix m n R) (Q : matrix n m R)
open matrix -- for `det`
open_locale matrix -- for `⬝`
example :
det (A⬝B) = det A * det B :=
by simp
is matrix multiply.
example : det (A⬝B⬝A⁻¹) = det B := sorry
example (hA : is_unit A) : det (A⬝B⬝A⁻¹) = det B := sorry
example (hA : is_unit A) : det (A⬝B⬝A⁻¹) = det B := by simp [hA]
example (hA : is_unit A) : det (A⬝B⬝A⁻¹) = det B := by library_search
example (hA : is_unit A) : det (A⬝B⬝A⁻¹) = det B := by exact det_conj hA B
We need a proof that A
is invertible, spelt is_unit A
takes us to a dead end.
finds the proof.
example :
det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (1 + Q⬝P) :=
by simp
Lean doesn't know this result yet; let's prove it!
How do we prove $\operatorname{det} (1 + PQ) = \operatorname{det} (1 + QP)$ by hand?
/-- The Weinstein–Aronszajn identity -/
lemma matrix.det_one_plus_comm :
det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (1 + Q⬝P) :=
calc det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (from_blocks 1 (-P) Q 1) : _
... = det (1 + Q⬝P) : _,
{ rewrite det_from_blocks_one₂₂,
rewrite matrix.neg_mul,
rewrite sub_neg_eq_add, },
{ rw [det_from_blocks_one₁₁, matrix.mul_neg,
sub_neg_eq_add] },
R : Type m : Type n : Type _inst_1: comm_ring R _inst_2: fintype m _inst_3: fintype n _inst_4: decidable_eq m _inst_5: decidable_eq n P : matrix m n R Q : matrix n m R ⊢ det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (1 + Q⬝P)
P : matrix m n R Q : matrix n m R ⊢ det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (1 + Q⬝P)
P : matrix m n R Q : matrix n m R ⊢ det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (from_blocks 1 (-P) Q 1) P : matrix m n R Q : matrix n m R ⊢ det (from_blocks 1 (-P) Q 1) = det (1 + Q⬝P)
P : matrix m n R Q : matrix n m R ⊢ det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (from_blocks 1 (-P) Q 1)
P : matrix m n R Q : matrix n m R ⊢ det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (1 - -P⬝Q)
P : matrix m n R Q : matrix n m R ⊢ det (1 + P⬝Q) = det (1 - -(P⬝Q))
goals accomplished 🎉
⊢ det (from_blocks 1 (-P) Q 1) = det (1 + Q⬝P)
goals accomplished 🎉
tactic. Each _
is a hole, leaving us with two goals (⊢
We can use {}
braces to focus on just the first goal.
Let's expand det (from_blocks ...)
around the bottom right, ...
… push the negation outside the product, …
… and cancel the negations. We're done!
Now we can go back to the other goal. We can solve it the same way, …
… but let's write it more concisely.
How did Lean know det_from_blocks_one₁₁
and det_from_blocks_one₂₂
A mathematical library for Lean, comparable to:
mathematical components
Curated by a diverse set of almost 250 maintainers and contributors:
These amplitudes [$c_n$] can be related to the power content of the signal $g(t)$ over one period
$$\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}|c_n|^2 dt = \frac{1}{T}\int_{0}^{T}|g(t)|^2 dt$$where $g(t) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}c_ne^{jn\omega_0t}$
CUED IB Paper 6, Handout 2, Lent 2021 S. Godsill
The sum of the squared norms of the Fourier coefficients equals the $L^2$ norm of the function.
lemma tsum_sq_fourier_series_repr (g : Lp ℂ 2 haar_circle) : ∑' n : ℤ, ∥fourier_series.repr g n∥^2 = ∫ t : circle, ∥g t∥^2 ∂haar_circle
Fourier analysis on the circle Mathlib docs
Some translation required!
one period↔
t : circle
fourier_series.repr g n
(the measurearound a circle that sums to 1)
$g(t) = \sum \cdots$↔
g : Lp ℂ 2 haar_circle
is a function of type circle → ℂ
, with finite $L^2$ norm)
The characteristic polynomial of $A$ is defined as \begin{align} p_{A}(\lambda)&=\det(\lambda I_{n}-A) \\ \textit{[...]}\quad&=\lambda^{n}+c_{n-1}\lambda^{n-1}+\cdots+c_{1}\lambda+c_{0} \end{align} One can create an analogous polynomial $p_{A}(A)$ [...]. The Cayley–Hamilton theorem states that $p_A(A) = 0$.
Cayley–Hamilton theorem Wikipedia
The characteristic polynomial of a matrix, applied to the matrix itself, is zero. This holds over any commutative ring.
lemma matrix.aeval_self_charpoly {R : Type} [comm_ring R] {n : Type} [decidable_eq n] [fintype n] (A : matrix n n R) : polynomial.aeval A A.charpoly = 0
Characteristic polynomials and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem Mathlib docs
polynomial.aeval A p
Note that by [the] Cayley-Hamilton theorem, $e^{A\tau} = I\alpha_0(\tau) + \cdots + A^{n-1}\alpha_{n-1}$
3F2: Systems and Control, Lecture 4: controllability R. Sepulchre
Mathlib does not yet have this corollary, but it is close…
dual_number R
Dual numbers: $R[\varepsilon]$ or $x + \varepsilon y$, where $\varepsilon^2 = 0$.
alternating_map R V W ι
Alternating maps: $F : V^n \to W$ where $F(\ldots, v_i, \ldots, v_j, \ldots) = 0$ if $v_i = v_j$ for some $i \ne j$.
/-- det is an `alternating_map` in the rows of the matrix. -/
def matrix.det_row_alternating : alternating_map R (n → R) R n
/-- If the arguments are linearly dependent then the result is `0`. -/
lemma alternating_map.map_linear_dependent
[no_zero_smul_divisors K W] (f : alternating_map K V W ι)
(v : ι → V) (h : ¬linear_independent K v) : f v = 0
clifford_algebra Q
Geometric algebra, $\mathcal{G}(Q)$ (Clifford algebra
to mathematicians).
/-- The clifford algebra over `quaternion_Q` is isomorphic to `ℍ`. -/
def clifford_algebra_quaternion.equiv :
clifford_algebra quaternion_Q ≃ₐ[ℝ] ℍ[ℝ]
graded_algebra A
Graded algebras: $A = \bigoplus_i A_i$ where $A_iA_j \subseteq A_{i+j}$
class set_like.graded_monoid (A : ι → S) :
(one_mem : 1 ∈ A 0)
(mul_mem : ∀ {i j : ι} {gi gj : R}, gi ∈ A i → gj ∈ A j → gi * gj ∈ A (i + j))
/-- An internally-graded `R`-algebra `A` is one that can be decomposed into a
collection of `submodule R A`s indexed by `ι` such that the canonical map
`A → ⨁ i, 𝒜 i` is bijective. -/
class graded_algebra (𝒜 : ι → submodule R A) extends set_like.graded_monoid 𝒜 :=
(decompose' : A → ⨁ i, 𝒜 i)
(left_inv : function.left_inverse decompose' (direct_sum.submodule_coe 𝒜))
(right_inv : function.right_inverse decompose' (direct_sum.submodule_coe 𝒜))
/-- The clifford algebra is graded by the even and odd parts. -/
def clifford_algebra.graded_algebra :
graded_algebra (clifford_algebra.even_odd Q)
inductive mynat | zero : mynat | succ (n : mynat) : mynat
In this [in-browser] game, you get own version of the natural numbers, called
, in an interactive theorem prover called Lean. [...] You're going to prove mathematical theorems using the Lean theorem prover.
In other words, you're going to solve levels in a computer game.The Natural Number Game Kevin Buzzard and Mohammad Pedramfar
More learning resources at
Formalize some first year example papers, with the help of the Lean user community at
Pick something from the Missing undergraduate mathematics in mathlib
list on the earlier slide.
We show how to make use of the Lean metaprogramming framework to verify certain Mathematica computations, so that the rigor of the proof assistant is not compromised
A Bi-Directional Extensible Interface Between Lean and Mathematica (2022) Robert Y. Lewis, Minchao Wu
We generate a formal (i.e. machine-checkable) proof that the gradients sampled by the system are unbiased estimates of the true mathematical gradients.
Developing bug-free machine learning systems with formal mathematics (2017) Daniel Selsam, Percy Liang, David L. Dill
Formal Mathematics Statement Curriculum Learning Stanislas Polu, Jesse Michael Han, Kunhao Zheng, Mantas Baksys, Igor Babuschkin, Ilya Sutskever
I now think it’s sensible in principle to formalize whatever you want in Lean. There’s no real obstruction.— Peter Scholze, Fields MedallistProof Assistant Makes Jump to Big-League Math Quanta Magazine
SymPy: symbolic computing in Python (2017) Meurer A, Smith CP, Paprocki M, Čertík O, Kirpichev SB, Rocklin M, Kumar A, Ivanov S, Moore JK, Singh S, Rathnayake T, Vig S, Granger BE, Muller RP, Bonazzi F, Gupta H, Vats S, Johansson F, Pedregosa F, Curry MJ, Terrel AR, Roučka Š, Saboo A, Fernando I, Kulal S, Cimrman R, Scopatz A
Quaternionic analysis (1977) A. Sudbery
The Lean Theorem Prover (System Description) (2015) Leonardo de Moura, Soonho Kong, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
The lean mathematical library (2020) The mathlib Community
Formalizing Geometric Algebra in Lean (2021) Eric Wieser, Utensil Song
Scalar actions in Lean's mathlib (2021) Eric Wieser
The lean community website:
These slides:
(these references, and the ones under all quote callouts in the slides, are clickable on the online version)