Graded rings in Lean's dependent type theorys

Eric Wieser1, Jujian Zhang2
1Cambridge University Engineering Department, 2Imperial College London

slides: 2022-09-22

IntroductionGraded monoids

Axioms: $\forall (x \in A_i) (y \in A_j), xy \in A_{i+j}$, $1 \in A_0$

Free monoid over $a$:

$A_n = \{a^n\}, n : \mathbb{N}$
$$ \phantom{\smallunderbrace{a^{\smash2}b}{\tiny[2, 1]} \times \smallunderbrace{a^{\smash3}b}{\tiny[3, 1]}} \mathllap{\smallunderbrace{a^{\smash2}}{2} \times \smallunderbrace{a^{\smash3}}3} = \mathrlap{\smallunderbrace{a^{\smash5}}{\mathclap{2 + 3}}} \phantom{\smallunderbrace{a^{\smash2}ba^{\smash3}b}{3 + 4}}$$

Free monoid over $a, b$:

$A_n = \{\prod_{i=1}^n x_i \,|\, \forall i, x_i \in \{a, b\}\}, n : \mathbb{N}$
$$ \phantom{\smallunderbrace{a^2b}{\tiny[2, 1]} \times \smallunderbrace{a^3b}{\tiny[3, 1]}} \mathllap{\smallunderbrace{a^2b}3\times \smallunderbrace{a^3b}4} = \smallunderbrace{a^2ba^3b}{3 + 4}$$

Free abelian monoid $a, b$:

$A_n = \{a^ib^j\,|\, i + j = n\}, n : \mathbb{N}$
$$\phantom{\smallunderbrace{a^2b}{\tiny[2, 1]} \times \smallunderbrace{a^3b}{\tiny[3, 1]}} \mathllap{\smallunderbrace{a^2b}3\times \smallunderbrace{a^3b}4} = \mathrlap{\smallunderbrace{a^5b^2}{3 + 4}} \phantom{\smallunderbrace{a^2ba^3b}{3 + 4}}$$

… or $A_n = \{a^{n_0}b^{n_1}\}, n : \mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N}$

$$\smallunderbrace{\hphantom{a^2b}}{\tiny[2, 1]} \hphantom{{}\times{}} \smallunderbrace{\hphantom{a^3b}}{\tiny[3, 1]} \hphantom{{}={}} \mathrlap{\smallunderbrace{\hphantom{a^5b^2}}{\tiny\mathclap{[2 + 3, 1 + 1]}}} \hphantom{\smallunderbrace{a^2ba^3b}{3 + 4}}$$

IntroductionGraded rings

Extra axioms: $\forall (x \!\in\!A_i) (y \!\in\!A_i), x + y \!\in\!A_{i}$, $0 \in A_i$

Polynomials in $x$:

$A_n = \{rx^n| r : R\}, n : \mathbb{N}$
$$\smallunderbrace{37}0 + \smallunderbrace{x}1 + \smallunderbrace{x^3}3$$

Tensor algebra, $\mathcal{T}(V)$:

$A_n = \operatorname{span}\{\bigotimes_{i=1}^n v_i \,|\, \forall i, v_i : V \}, n : \mathbb{N}$
$$\smallunderbrace{37}0 + \smallunderbrace{u}1 + \smallunderbrace{u\!\otimes\!v\!\otimes\!u}3$$

Multivariate polynomials:

$A_n = \operatorname{span} \{x^iy^j\,|\, i + j = n\}, n : \mathbb{N}$
$$\smallunderbrace{\mathrlap{\phantom{y}}x^{\smash2}}2 + \smallunderbrace{y^{\smash3}}3 + \smallunderbrace{x^{\smash5}y^{\smash2}}7$$
… or $A_n = \{ra^{n_0}b^{n_1}\,|\,r : R\}, n : \mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N}$
$$\smallunderbrace{\hphantom{x^2}}{\mathclap{\tiny[2, 0]}} \hphantom{{} + {}} \smallunderbrace{\hphantom{y^3}}{\mathclap{\tiny[0, 3]}} \hphantom{{} + {}} \smallunderbrace{\hphantom{x^5y^2}}{\mathclap{\tiny[5, 2]}}$$

Clifford algebra, $\mathcal{Cl}(Q)$:

$A_n = \operatorname{span} \{\prod_{u \in s} u\,|\, |s| \% 2 = n \}, n : \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
$$\smallunderbrace{uv + 1}{0\text{ (even)}} + \smallunderbrace{uvw + v}{1\text{ (odd)}}$$

IntroductionSummary of examples

Graded monoids

Graded rings


Monoid, $1 \in A_0$, $\forall (x \in A_i) (y \in A_j), xy \in A_{i+j}$

Ring, graded monoid, $0 \in A_i$, $\forall (x \!\in\!A_i) (y \!\in\!A_i), x + y \!\in\!A_{i}$


Free monoids

Free abelian monoids

Tensor powers

Polynomials in $x$

Tensor algebra, $\mathcal{T}(V)$

Multivariate polynomials

Clifford algebra, $\mathcal{Cl}(Q)$

IntroductionExisting formalizations


Graded modules as nat -> FreeModule R, no mention of multiplication.

Effective homology of bicomplexes, formalized in Coq Domínguez, C., Rubio, J. (Mar 2011)


One specific graded ring, but no* abstraction

Synthetic Integral Cohomology in Cubical Agda Brunerie, G., Ljungström, A., Mörtberg, A. (Feb 2022)

(*after submission of our work; a new GradedRing abstraction!)

Lots of discussion, no implementation

Lean Zulip > #maths > CDGAs Barton, R., Commelin, J., Buzzard, K., Lau, K., … (Jun 2019)

IntroductionWhy generalize?

  • Unified spelling for graded operations
  • Some constructions build upon this generalization:
    • The $\operatorname{Proj} S$ in algebraic geometry needs homogeneous ideals
    • Homogeneous ideals needs graded rings
  • One proof of Gordan's lemma, needed for Lean's Liquid Tensor Experiment, uses graded rings.

External or Internal?

External: A : ι → Type*

$\Sigma_i A_i$ or $\bigoplus_i A_i$

Tuples, A n := fin n → M

Tensor powers,
A n := ⨂[R]^n M

Internal: A : ι → set α


α := free_monoid X

α := polynomial R

α := tensor_algebra R M

External or Internal?

External: A : ι → Type*

$\Sigma_i A_i$ or $\bigoplus_i A_i$

Tuples, A n := fin n → M

Tensor powers,
A n := ⨂[R]^n M

Internal: A : ι → set α


α := free_monoid X

α := polynomial R

α := tensor_algebra R M

External gradingsEquality difficulties

Given an indexed family of types,

            variables {ι : Type*} {A : ι → Type*}

what's a graded semigroup?

            class «fails».g_semigroup [has_add ι][add_semigroup ι] :=
            (mul {i j} : A i → A j → A (i + j))
            (mul_assoc {i j k} (x : A i) (y : A j) (z : A k) :
              mul (mul x y) z = mul x (mul y z))


                example {i j k : ι}
                  [add_semigroup ι] :
                  (i + j) + k = i + (j + k) :=
                add_assoc _ _ _

But not definitionally so:

                example {i j k : ι}
                  [add_semigroup ι] :
                  (i + j) + k = i + (j + k) :=

External gradingsEquality alternatives

1. Heterogenous equality

              class «heq».g_semigroup [add_semigroup ι] :=
              (mul {i j} : A i → A j → A (i + j))
              (mul_assoc {i j k} (x : A i) (y : A j) (z : A k) :
                mul (mul x y) z == mul x (mul y z))

2. Equality of dependent pairs

              class «sigma».g_semigroup [add_semigroup ι] :=
              (mul {i j} : A i → A j → A (i + j))
              (mul_assoc {i j k} (x : A i) (y : A j) (z : A k) :
                (⟨_, mul (mul x y) z⟩ : Σ i, A i) = ⟨_, mul x (mul y z)⟩)

3. Propositional enforcement

              class «extends».g_semigroup [add_semigroup ι]
                extends semigroup (Σ i, A i) :=
              (fst_mul {i j} (x : A i) (y : A j) :
                (⟨_, x⟩ * ⟨_, y⟩ : Σ i, A i).fst = i + j)

4. Equality via a cast

              class «eq.rec».g_semigroup [add_semigroup ι] :=
              (mul {i j} : A i → A j → A (i + j))
              (mul_assoc {i j k : ι} (x : A i) (y : A j) (z : A k) :
                (add_assoc i j k).rec (mul (mul x y) z) = mul x (mul y z))

5. Equality via a user-provided cast

              class «cast».g_semigroup [add_semigroup ι] :=
              (cast {i j} (h : i = j) : A i → A j)
              (cast_rfl {i} (x : A i) : cast rfl x = x)
              (mul {i j} : A i → A j → A (i + j))
              (mul_assoc {i j k : ι} (x : A i) (y : A j) (z : A k) :
                cast (add_assoc i j k) (mul (mul x y) z) = mul x (mul y z))

6. Folding the cast into the multiplication itself

              class «h : i+j=k».g_semigroup [add_semigroup ι] :=
              (mul {i j k} (h : i + j = k) : A i → A j → A k)
              (mul_assoc {i j k ij jk ijk : ι} (hij : i + j = ij) (hjk : j + k = jk)
                (hi_jk : i + jk = ijk) (hij_k : ij + k = ijk)
                (x : A i) (y : A j) (z : A k) :
                  (mul hij_k (mul hij x y) z) = mul hi_jk x (mul hjk y z))
Approach 1 2 3 4 5 6
producer difficulty medium harder easier hardest easier medium
consumer rw directions ↔*
(i+j)+k=i+(j+k) proved by producer producer
Our choice

External gradingsGraded monoids

            def graded_monoid (A : ι → Type*) : Type* := sigma A
            notation `Σᵍ` binders `, ` r:(scoped A, graded_monoid A) := r

Graded instances imply instances on the type alias Σᵍ i, A i:

              class ghas_one [has_zero ι] :=
              (one : A 0)
              instance ghas_one.to_has_one
                [has_zero ι] [ghas_one A] :
                has_one (Σᵍ i, A i) :=
              { one := ⟨_,⟩ }

              class ghas_mul [has_add ι] :=
              (mul {i j} : A i → A j → A (i + j))
              instance ghas_mul.to_has_mul
                [has_add ι] [ghas_mul A] :
                has_mul (Σᵍ i, A i) :=
              { mul := λ x y, ⟨_, ghas_mul.mul x.2 y.2⟩ }

          class gmonoid [add_semigroup ι] extends ghas_one A, ghas_mul A :=
          (one_mul       (a : Σᵍ i, A i) :       1 * a = a)
          (mul_one       (a : Σᵍ i, A i) :       a * 1 = a)
          (mul_assoc (a b c : Σᵍ i, A i) : (a * b) * c = a * (b * c))
          instance gmonoid.to_monoid [add_monoid ι] [gmonoid A] :
            monoid (Σᵍ i, A i) :=
          { one_mul := gmonoid.one_mul, mul_one := gmonoid.mul_one,
            mul_assoc := gmonoid.mul_assoc }

External gradingsGraded monoids


The $n$-tuples fin n → α, with
$1 \coloneqq ()$ and $(a, b) \times (c) \coloneqq (a, b, c)$:

                instance : gmonoid (λ n : ℕ, fin n → α) :=
                { one := ![],
                  mul := λ i j, fin.append',
                  one_mul := λ b, sigma_eq_of_eq_comp_cast _ (elim0_append' _),
                  mul_one := λ a, sigma_eq_of_eq_comp_cast _ (append'_elim0 _),
                  mul_assoc := λ a b c, sigma_eq_of_eq_comp_cast _ $
                    (append'_assoc a.2 b.2 c.2).trans rfl }

External gradingsGraded (semi)rings

Use the direct sum ⨁ i, A i instead of Σᵍ i, A i

              class gsemiring [add_monoid ι] [Π i, add_comm_monoid (A i)]
                extends gmonoid A :=
              (mul_zero {i j} (a : A i)            : mul a (0 : A j) = 0)
              (zero_mul {i j} (b : A j)            : mul (0 : A i) b = 0)
              (mul_add {i j} (a : A i) (b c : A j) : mul a (b + c) = mul a b + mul a c)
              (add_mul {i j} (a b : A i) (c : A j) : mul (a + b) c = mul a c + mul b c)

(= is equality of A k for some k, not Σᵍ i, A i)

            instance gsemiring.to_semiring [add_monoid ι] [gsemiring A]
              [Π i, add_comm_monoid (A i)] :
              semiring (⨁ i, A i) := sorry /- tedious but explained in the paper -/

bonus: works* for rings too!

              instance gsemiring.to_semiring [add_monoid ι] [gsemiring A]
                [Π i, add_comm_group (A i)] :
                ring (⨁ i, A i) := sorry /- *but not a good idea, see the paper -/

External gradingsGraded (semi)rings


The $n$th tensor powers form a graded (semi)ring

                variables {R} [field R] [add_comm_group V] [module R V]

                instance : gsemiring (λ n : ℕ, ⨂[R]^n V) :=
                sorry /- ~200 lines of prework to solve this -/

This is a prerequisite to state the
ring isomorphism to the tensor algebra:

                  def equiv_direct_sum : tensor_algebra R V ≃+* (⨁ n, ⨂[R]^n V) :=
                  sorry /- another ~200 lines of prework to solve this  -/
(uses gsemiring.to_semiring from the previous slide)

External or Internal?

External: A : ι → Type*

$\Sigma_i A_i$ or $\bigoplus_i A_i$

Tuples, A n := fin n → M

Tensor powers,
A n := ⨂[R]^n M

Internal: A : ι → set α


α := free_monoid X

α := polynomial R

α := tensor_algebra R M

Internal gradingsGraded monoids

            class set.graded_monoid
              [monoid M] [add_monoid ι] (A : ι → set M) : Prop :=
            (one_mem : 1 ∈ A 0)
            (mul_mem ⦃i j : ι⦄ {gi gj : M} : gi ∈ A i → gj ∈ A j → gi * gj ∈ A (i + j))
            class set_like.graded_monoid {S : Type*} [set_like S M]
              [monoid M] [add_monoid ι] (A : ι → S) : Prop :=
            (one_mem : 1 ∈ A 0)
            (mul_mem ⦃i j : ι⦄ {gi gj : M} : gi ∈ A i → gj ∈ A j → gi * gj ∈ A (i + j))

We don't want to repeat ourselves for:

graded monoids
A : ι → set R

graded semi-rings
A : ι → add_submonoid R

graded rings
A : ι → add_subgroup R

graded algebras
A : ι → submodule S R


              class set_like (S : Type*) (α : out_param Type*) :=
              (coe : S → set α) -- indirectly provides `∈` and `↥` notation
              (coe_injective' : function.injective coe)
              instance : set_like (add_submonoid R) R := ⟨add_submonoid.carrier, sorry⟩
              instance : set_like (add_subgroup R)  R := ⟨add_subgroup.carrier,  sorry⟩
              instance : set_like (submodule S R)   R := ⟨submodule.carrier,     sorry⟩

Internal gradingsGraded rings

To get an internally-graded monoid:

            variables [monoid M]   [add_monoid ι] (A : ι → set M)
            variables [set_like.graded_monoid A]

To get an internally-graded semiring:

            variables [semiring R] [add_monoid ι] (A : ι → add_submonoid R)
            variables [set_like.graded_monoid A]

To get an internally-graded ring:

            variables [ring R]     [add_monoid ι] (A : ι → add_subgroup R)
            variables [set_like.graded_monoid A]

This isn't quite enough; we also need to require that the A i don't overlap!

Internal gradingsDecompositions


  • (⋃ i, A i) = set.univ ∧ pairwise (disjoint on A)
  • grade : α → ι where a ∈ A i ↔ grade a = i


  • (⨆ i, A i) = ⊤ ∧ complete_lattice.independent A* *Insufficient for semirings! Consider even/odd grading by $\mathbb{Z}_{\ge0}$ and $\mathbb{Z}_{\le0}$…
  • bijectivity of the canonical map ⨁ i, ↥(A i) → α
                      -- constructively, where `coe_add_monoid_hom : ⨁ i, ↥(A i) →+ α` 
                      class direct_sum.decomposition (A : ι → S) :=
                      (decompose' : α → ⨁ i, A i)  -- split elements into their grades
                      (left_inv : left_inverse (coe_add_monoid_hom A) decompose')
                      (right_inv : right_inverse (coe_add_monoid_hom A) decompose')

Internal gradingsinterpreted externally

Any internal representation, A : ι → set α

A 0
A i
A j

… can be written externally via ↥s = subtype (∈ s):

↥(A 0)
↥(A i)
↥(A j)
Σᵍ i, ↥(A i) or ⨁ i, ↥(A i)

Σᵍ i, ↥(A i) and α should be isomorphic as monoids ⨁ i, ↥(A i) and α should be isomorphic as rings

What's the monoid/ring structure on the left?

Internal gradingsinterpreted externally

            instance set_like.gmonoid [monoid M] [add_monoid ι] [set_like S M]
              (A : ι → S) [set_like.graded_monoid A] : gmonoid (λ i, ↥(A i)) :=
            { one :=            ⟨1,     set_like.graded_monoid.one_mem⟩,
              mul := λ i j a b, ⟨a * b, set_like.graded_monoid.mul_mem a.prop b.prop⟩,
              one_mul := λ ⟨i, a, h⟩, sigma.subtype_ext (zero_add _) (one_mul _),
              mul_one := λ ⟨i, a, h⟩, sigma.subtype_ext (add_zero _) (mul_one _),
              mul_assoc := λ ⟨i, a, ha⟩ ⟨j, b, hb⟩ ⟨k, c, hc⟩, sorry /- etc -/ }
            -- finds `gmonoid.to_monoid`
            instance : monoid (Σᵍ i, ↥(A i)) := by apply_instance

            instance set_like.gsemiring [semiring R] [add_monoid ι]
              [set_like S R] [add_submonoid_class S R]
              (A : ι → S) [set_like.graded_monoid A] : gsemiring (λ i, ↥(A i)) :=
            { mul_zero := λ i j _, subtype.ext (mul_zero _),
              zero_mul := λ i j _, subtype.ext (zero_mul _),
              mul_add := λ i j _ _ _, subtype.ext (mul_add _ _ _),
              add_mul := λ i j _ _ _, subtype.ext (add_mul _ _ _),
              ..set_like.gmonoid A }
            -- finds `gsemiring.to_semiring`
            instance : semiring (⨁ i, ↥(A i)) := by apply_instance

Internal gradingsinterpreted externally

The payoff: a graded ring is isomorphic
to the direct sum of its parts

          variables [ring R] [add_monoid ι] (A : ι → add_subgroup R)
          variables [set_like.graded_monoid A] [direct_sum.decomposition A]

          -- ok!
          #check (direct_sum.decompose_ring_equiv : R ≃+* ⨁ i, ↥(A i))

Internal gradingsSummary of typeclasses

Graded $R$-algebra A : ι → submodule R α
Graded ring A : ι → add_subgroup α
Graded semiring A : ι → add_submonoid α
Graded monoid A : ι → set α
Graded $R$-module A : ι → submodule R α
Graded additive group A : ι → add_subgroup α
Graded additive submonoid A : ι → add_submonoid α
set_like.graded_monoid A
direct_sum.decomposition A

What's next?

  • Graded modules over graded rings, with
    $\forall (x \in R_i) (y \in M_j), xy \in M_{i+j}$
  • Algebraic geometry that uses graded objects


Typeclasses, definitions, and lemmas for internally- and externally-graded algebra, rings, and monoids.



Alg. geom.

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