\[ \newcommand{\tind}[1]{^{(#1)}} \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\,min} \newcommand{\bm}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \]

Machine learning for a miniature robotic unicycle

Eric Wieser (efw27@)

MEng. Project 2016-2017
Supervised by Prof. Carl Rasmussen (cer54@)

Project goals

Balance this unicycle

Fix problems identified in previous work

Review source code and fix bugs found

Improve the tools to make similar projects easier in future


  1. System overview
  2. Summary of the method, Pilco
  3. Errors in earlier work
  4. Suggested improvements from earlier work
  5. Results on the hardware
  6. Future work and conclusions

System overview


  • Small
  • Two actuators - drive wheel, horizontal flywheel
  • Arduino-like controller
  • C++
  • Performs no learning


  • Takes data from the robot
  • Applies methods from the Pilco toolbox (Matlab)
  • Sends a new controller to the robot

PilcoProbabilistic Inference for Learning Control

Optimal control finds a policy for a system minimizing a cost function over a horizon

\[ \begin{alignat}{2} \text{find}&& \quad \pi^*(\bm{x}) &= \argmin_{\pi(\bm{x})} J(\bm{x}\tind\cdot, \bm{u}\tind\cdot) \quad \text{where} \quad J(\bm{x}\tind\cdot, \bm{u}\tind\cdot) = \class{c-orange}{\sum_{i=0}^{i=N}} \class{c-purple}{c(\bm{x}\tind{i}, \bm{u}\tind{i})}\quad \\ \label{eq:optimal} \text{st.}&& \quad \class{c-green}{\bm{x}\tind{i+1}} &\class{c-green}{= f(\bm{x}\tind{i}, \bm{u}\tind{i})} \\ \nonumber && \class{c-blue}{\bm{u}\tind{i}} &\class{c-blue}{= \pi(\bm{x}\tind{i})}\, \nonumber \end{alignat} \]

Needs a system model Pilco learns a probabilistic one using Gaussian process regression

\[ \begin{align} \bm{x}\tind{i + 1} - \bm{x}\tind{i} &= \class{c-cyan}{f_j(\bm{z}\tind{i}) \sim \mathrm{GP}(m_j(\bm{z}), K_j(\bm{z}_1, \bm{z}_2))}, & \bm{z}\tind{i} &= \begin{bmatrix}\bm{x}\tind{i} \\ \bm{u}\tind{i}\end{bmatrix} \end{align} \]
Advantages: data-efficient, immune to modelling mistakes

Gaussian processes

Scalar: $\class{c-green}{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)$
Vector: $\class{c-green}{\begin{bmatrix}x_0 \\ x_1\end{bmatrix}} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \Sigma)$
Function: $\class{c-green}{x(\cdot)}\sim \mathrm{GP}(\class{c-blue}{m(\cdot)}, K(\cdot,\cdot))$
Function: $\class{c-green}{\bm{x}\tind{i + 1} - \bm{x}\tind{i}}\sim \mathrm{GP}(\class{c-blue}{m(\cdot)}, K(\cdot,\cdot))$

Problems in inherited work

Software Problems

  • Incorrect use of Euler angles
  • Incorrect integration of gyro — should be $\bm{q}\tind{t_2} = \exp \left(\tfrac{1}{2} \Delta t \bm{\omega}\right) \bm{q}\tind{t_1}$
  • Integer overflow in encoder readings

    											int16_t curr_enc, last_enc;
    											int32_t total = 0;
    											total += curr_enc - last_enc;
    ✘ Wrong + undefined behaviour
    											total += static_cast<int16_t>(curr_enc - last_enc);
    ✘ Undefined behavior
    											total += static_cast<int16_t>(
    												static_cast<uint16_t>(curr_enc) -

    “When the compiler encounters [undefined behaviour] it is legal for it to make demons fly out of your nose”[1]
  • Algebraic errors in the loss function
  • Use of contraint-violating trajectories to learn dynamics
  • Loss function not scaled to small robot

Electrical Problems

Exposed metal
Loose fastening
Molten wires


  1. Always have a fuse or power switch
  2. Assume everything is a conductor unless designed not to be

Suggested Improvements

Automate data transfer with the hardware 

Data transfer

Application layer Protocol buffers

								syntax = "proto3";
								message DebugMessage {
									string s = 1;
									DebugLevel level = 2;
								message RobotMessage {
									oneof msg {
										LogBundle log_bundle = 1;
										DebugMessage debug = 2;
										LogEntry single_log = 3;

Framing layer COBS (Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing)

F1 00 D5 , 0F , C0 FF EE
02 F1 02 D5 00 02 0F 00 04 C0 FF EE 00
Count and null-terminator bytes

Suggested Improvements

Automate data transfer with the hardware 

Improve physical release procedure 

Physical release procedure

Reaction times

Gideon Praveen Kumar Jose Shelton. “Comparison between Auditory and Visual Simple Reaction Times”. In: Neuroscience and Medicine 1.1 (2010) Human visual — 330ms
Human audio — 280ms
Arduino switch release — really fast!

Repeatability of orientation

  • Build a rig to drop perfectly ✘ Impractical
  • Learn the initial orientation ✘ Must be online
  • Measure the initial orientation ✔ Use the accelerometer

Suggested Improvements

Automate data transfer with the hardware 

Improve physical release procedure 

Add simulation model of the small unicycle 

Simulation models

Software-only tests of Pilco

Only have a model for the 1m unicycle

Approximations of physical parameters good enough

Suggested Improvements

Automate data transfer with the hardware 

Measure initial robot orientation accelerometer 

Add simulation model of the small unicycle 

Redesign the hardware to increase the roll limit ?

Effect of roll limit

\[ \theta_\text{max} = \class{c-blue}{90°} \]
\[ \theta_\text{max} = \class{c-blue}{90°},\quad \class{c-yellow}{17°} \]
Idealized, Current
\[ \theta_\text{max} = \class{c-blue}{90°},\quad \class{c-orange}{45°},\quad \class{c-yellow}{17°} \]
Idealized, Proposed design, Current
\[ \text{Loss}(\mathbf{x}) = 1 - \exp\left(-\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ \tfrac{d(\mathbf x)^2}{h^2} + \tfrac{\phi^2}{(4\pi)^2} \right]\right) \]
\[ \text{Loss}(\mathbf{x}) = 1 - \exp\left(-\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ \tfrac{d(\mathbf x)^2}{h^2} + \tfrac{\phi^2}{(4\pi)^2} \right]\right) \]
\[ \text{Loss}(\mathbf{x}) = 1 - \exp\left(-\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ \tfrac{d(\mathbf x)^2}{h^2} + \tfrac{\phi^2}{(4\pi)^2} \right]\right) \]
Before, showing distribution of predictions
\[ \text{Loss}(\mathbf{x}) = 1 - \exp\left(-\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ \tfrac{d(\mathbf x)^2}{h^2} + \tfrac{\phi^2}{(4\pi)^2} + \class{c-purple}{\tfrac{\theta^2}{\theta_\text{max}^2}} \right]\right) \]
After, showing distribution of predictions
\[ \text{Loss}(\mathbf{x}) = 1 - \exp\left(-\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ \tfrac{d(\mathbf x)^2}{h^2} + \tfrac{\phi^2}{(4\pi)^2} + \class{c-purple}{\tfrac{\theta^2}{\theta_\text{max}^2}} \right]\right) \]
With roll loss term

Suggested Improvements

Automate data transfer with the hardware 

Measure initial robot orientation accelerometer 

Add simulation model of the small unicycle 

Redesign the hardware to increase the roll limit ?

✘ Improvement is small after fixing the loss function

Hardware results


  • Designed and implemented a communication protocol (library published at packetio.readthedocs.io)
  • Resolved extensive problems with the current software and hardware stack
  • Achieved improved controller performance in simulation.
  • Was ultimately unsuccessful in balancing the real robot

Future work

  • Investigate why learning failed experimentally
  • Use Automatic Differentation within Pilco
    Deriving gradients manually "restricts the [ML] community to only using computational structures we are capable of manually deriving gradients for"
    Justin Domke. Automatic Differentiation: The most criminally underused tool in the po- tential machine learning toolbox? 2009-02-17
  • Apply a quadratic controller

Quadratic controller

Areas are shaded where $\tau > 0$ and $\tau < 0$. $\tau_w > 0$ corresponds to a force driving the robot forwards, and $\tau_t > 0$ corresponds to a moment rotating the robot clockwise.

Links to resources

Embedded code Matlab code Final report This presentation (https://eric-wieser.github.io/masters-presentation)
