The aim of my project is to build a robot to compete in the Robocup Junior Soccer competition. In this competition, teams of two robots compete against each other in a game of football, where all robots operate autonomously. The ball is a special IR-emmitting device, allowing the robots to clearly see it. The game takes place on a 1.2 by 1.8m pitch, with wooden walls around the edges.
I've entered this competition before. But when I did, I used a robot made out of Lego. The aim of this project is to build a robot from scratch. I will be doing this in a team of two, the other member being my friend Andrew, who has competed in past robotics competitions with me. I'll be focusing on the software and electronics side, while he's focusing on the chassis and mechanism design.
The end result of this project will be taking the completed robot(s) to Istanbul in Turkey, and competing internationally at Robocup 2011